Hey dms! Maybe a year or so ago, I started occasionally having a burning sensation in my hands and feet. Sensitive to the touch and no obvious trigger. I have described it as that feeling when you burn yourself on a pan while cooking and that skin is red and tender for a few days. But, it's all over my palms, fingers, and the bottoms of my feet/toes. For a long time, I thought it was part of my psoriatic arthritis and my doctor has only recently diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. Within the past few months, it's gone from a couple of times a week to skin pain for days at a time (lots of weather where I'm at lately and I have found that triggers the skin burning in addition to lots of other fun pain).
While reading up on Fibro, I came across a medical article about a nerve condition called allodynia. People describe it as a feeling of sunburn without having been sunburnt. That rings true for myself with that feeling of having been burnt. It looks like it can affect people with fibro AND having shingles can trigger it. I don't want to say too much since I'm not a doctor, but it may be worth a Goog yourself to see if that matches how you're feeling. Then you can share with your doctor once you get in there to see what they think. Happy to chat more about it, wishing you luck!