Broken bones and Fibro

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New member
Sep 26, 2016
I have Fibro, have for years.

8 weeks ago I took a really bad fall and broke 2 bones in my foot/ankle. one on the inside and one on the outside.

When they found the first fracture I was non-weight bearing for 2 weeks, after 2 weeks they discovered a second fracture. I was allowed to start walking on it.

6 weeks later. I just had another set of X-rays and see what the doctor says tomorrow, but I don't think I am going to be out of this boot yet. Still very sore, bruising, swelling, even hobbling on it is hard.

So, my questions...

Has anyone broken bones while having Fibro? Does it take longer to heal? No one I have asked has been able to answer that!

Also, because of the break I have not been able to exercise (walk much), so I have no calf muscle left. I am going to need Physiotherapy. How will my Fibro affect recovery?

Also, never having broken anything, I am not sure if it will affect my Fibro at all. (or more then it has)
It wont take longer for the break to heal but you might have more pain for longer. I dont know how bad your fibro is...does it normally prevent you walking much?

You wont have no calf muscles left in just 8 weeks...i broke my foot and was in and out of plaster and an air boot for much longer and muscles easily rebuild after that time....just walking will gradually strengthen calf muscles again and if you see a physio i am sure they will help.

As far as fibro goes in time it should not affect it but only time will up gradually and dont push too hard too quickly.

The pain is most likely the bruising and swelling.....this caused me the most problem pain wise for a very long time but be patient and even that will recover in time,,,remember rest ice elevate in between exercising.
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