B-12 problems anyone?

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Jul 9, 2016
Province of the moon
I'm still worried all these symptoms came from that period in my life where I was a vegetarian and might have suffered B12 problems. I took supplements but not the sublingual. My mother was diagnosed with severe B-12 deficiency causing psychotic episodes and weakness. I went away slowly with injections now she's fine. But I'm not. Been eating meat for 10 yrs now and feel like I'm getting worse. The pain is excruciating. Without pain pills I can't lay down on anything...it's like a deep stabbing, throbbing, aching out of control feeling when I do. Some nights I have to sleep sitting up but that hurts as well. I wake up and I'm drenched in what I call 'pain sweats' my arms burn and burn. My memory is terrible also. I just really hope this isn't permanent. Anyone else have a B-12 deficiency somewhere along the line?
My B12 was low last week at the doctor. She said my body isnt absorbing it as it should. Then she it's my immune system but nothing further. She told me take supplements. No shots
Yes I have a B12 deficiency -I think because I have MTHFR. I can not take it orally (makes pain much worse) so I give myself shots three times a week. I have neuropathy - pain and burning in my hands and feet with numbness. Due to a mix up and change in my pharmacy I have not had B12 for almost two weeks now. The achyness and tiredness are increasing and I feel myself starting to get blue and blah. I wasn't sure from your post Nireno, if you are taking B12 oral or injected? If you are not I would encourage you to do so if your B12 is even under 500.
Mine is 312 and she just told me take a pill each day. I even asked about an injection. Grrr
Interesting. I just red about b12 linked to fibromyalgia, a double blind showed the ones taking the proper b12 supplement improved significantly to the group not taking. So, yup I did more research then bought a bottle last week!! Not sure that I'm seeing a change yet.
My doctor checked my B12 recently and it was just fine. I already take supplements that contain B12

It makes sense that micronutrient deficiencies would make fibromyalgia symptoms worse
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