Any Anti depressant that does NOT trigger migraines../ headaches ? am exceptionally sensitive Thanks

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Sophie Anne

New member
Aug 20, 2021
Hello All, I am new here ..and v glad to have joined. I am v sensitive to meds..part of fybro brain. Can tolerate Amytryptilline 10mgs max dose !! affects bowel too much and thats with high fibre fluids and laxative use.

Have tried a lot of anti depressants over the years..cymbalta Duloxetine was the first one to help nerve pain in 2009.
Restarted venleflaxine..v ill on a low dose of it early this year..had 5 great months off same ..but new awful low a few days ago.. sadly headaches affects 1/10..have had to stop it twice because of severity of migraines on Venleflaxine ( Effexor)

It causes horrendous weight gain for me too..a stone a month!! definetely not good for the morale or fybro.
Thanks for Your time 😊
Hi Sophie Anne, and welcome.

I think that even if someone replied to you that this or that medication "does not trigger headaches" it wouldn't really help you because A) we are all different, so what works for one won't always for another, and B) if you are especially prone to that reaction, then it is possible that any such drug will give you that reaction.

You could just keep trying different ones, or you could forget medication and try something completely different. That is of course up to you. But there are a lot of things you can try to increase your overall health and help to keep depression at least somewhat at bay, and/or to manage it as best you can, things that do not involve taking any medication at all. I would suggest you try that, as it would additionally remove the weight gain.
Hi Sophie Anne,

Welcome to the forum!

Others here might well chime in with positive prescription antidepressant recommendations, so I'll let them take the lead on that one. However, having also had real trouble with antidepressants, I have managed to identify alternative supplements that I'm finding work better than any prescription med I ever took - without the side effects - so I thought that might be worth a mention!

I'm not prone to migraines these days, but have found that every antidepressant I've ever tried made me really sick with things like nausea, dizziness, fatigue, hot flashes, etc. I really get the weight gain issue too - every time I've ever gone on one of those drugs it's felt as if I blink and I've gain 10kg overnight, which is about 1.5 stone. That feeling sucks! Over the years, I increasingly took it as yet another sign that my body didn't like them one bit.

I have fibro, but have also had depression for 25 years. As a silver lining to developing FM, trying to find helpful treatments finally led me to make a depression breakthrough. Particularly for depression symptoms, I take magnesium glycinate (was life-changing for me) and low-dose lithium orotate (5mg a day). For the fibro pain/angry body symptoms I take boswellia. For fog and energy I take Acetyl L-Carnitine, CoQ10, and ALA.

I know that's a crazy bunch of stuff, and also that - as Sunkacola said above - we're all different; some people here on the forum have found success with different supplements, or different lifestyle changes - like going keto for example. It seems to be a case of researching and experimenting to find what works best for you. But, if you get sick of trying different drugs from your doctor, it might be worth experimenting with the supplement route and others. For a lot of us, the right solution - to some degree at least - is just waiting around the corner!

Whatever you decide to try next, I wish you every luck in finding the relief you need, without those awful migraines. I used to get them sometimes when I was in my teens and early 20s and wow, that was horrendous. I hope they are in your rearview soon too 🤞
Thanks Sunkacola..😊

I have tried a lot of SSRI anti depressants over the years with same side effects..including headache migraine trigger.

I have to be wise though as mood goes too low without same..And That is not a place that I would recommend.

Will look up Jeminas Magnesium Glycinate suggestion. Rheumatologistsuggested same but Health Shop couldnt source. i cannot tolerate CQ10 or any stimulants.
Sophie Anne
Will look up Jeminas Magnesium Glycinate suggestion. Rheumatologistsuggested same but Health Shop couldnt source.
I buy KAL brand, which I'm pretty sure you can get on Amazon!
Whatever you do, Sophie Anne, good luck 🌻
Hi guys my doctor put me on Dytrex 60 from 120mg to 180my per day he told me it was for nerve pain as I have broken my back from T2 to T9 12screws and 4 rods and the fact that I have fibromyalgia Lupus Sjogren's and vertigo and a few more anyway after being on Dytrex I had no way of what I was saying or doing but in the end, I would just blow up start screaming and trying to fight anyone I lost some finds , and two weeks ago I had a rhizotomy they burnt out 18 nerve endings in my spine it helps a lot but still had so much pain like migraine but so much worst I couldn't see out my left eye my left-hand side of my top teeth my right eye was just jumping up and down both shoulders, intense pain threw my neck to both shoulders down threw each elbow one hand two my little two fingers and the other to index and middle finger and final my left foot, I gave up went the chemist told them they said have ago at sumatriptan 50mg wow 15 minutes later so much better I throught i was dreaming still hard o pain but the differnce was threw the roof thank God, now i will talk to the doctor and see were we can go .
Hi William,

I'm deeply sorry for everything you're going through and have been through until now. I'm so glad you've found a medication that is helping. Good luck with your doctor - I hope this is the beginning of better things to come ⛅
Every day i have hope i just don`t want to say the wrong thing to family and freinds it is so easy to do i find saying thing some times is a winner .
Every day i have hope i just don`t want to say the wrong thing to family and freinds it is so easy to do i find saying thing some times is a winner .
Hi William,

It can be so hard to interact with loved ones sometimes when we're in a lot of pain. I find it best to be really honest about how I'm feeling, so if I wake up with a lot of discomfort in the morning, the first thing I say to my partner is "I'm having a bad day today, so if I'm cranky it's because of that - not you!" Over time, we've reached a point where he spots pretty quickly when I'm acting out because of how I feel, and knows not to take it personally. The more up front we are, the better we seem to do!

Of course, we're all a little different, and you might prefer to approach these things in another way - including just giving the world some space when you're not feeling good. But, I would hope that if the people around you know what you're dealing with, they'll understand if you sometimes say the wrong thing. We can also try to forgive ourselves in these moments - it's easy to beat ourselves up if we snap, but that doesn't help anything or anyone! Better to be able to just go, "huh, I had a weird moment there, but it was just because of my pain, and I can let others know that." These things don't reflect who we are as people - and that's what really counts!
my wife and son very hard to get on with both will look at as if there is nothnk wrong it1s all in your mind and when i came out of hospital it was rhe same even with a full body brace from neck to waistline .

my wife and son very hard to get on with both will look at as if there is nothnk wrong it1s all in your mind and when i came out of hospital it was rhe same even with a full body brace from neck to waistline .

That's awful :oops: I'm really sorry to hear that. If they are so blind to your experience, the only thing I can suggest is that you create really clear boundaries for yourself, in terms of what you're willing to tolerate and how you are willing to be treated or spoken to, and make sure that you put your own needs first. Self-care is a must with these kinds of conditions!
Thats sad, friends and family should be the people you can go to to talk about troubles, sadly as I’ve experienced wasaaay to many times that’s not always the case,🙄😞😔
Yeah self care and “this” forum innit jem’s 😁 💎💜💎
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