After emergency C-section I feel fatigue and pains throughout my body

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New member
Dec 23, 2020
Can anyone help?

My problems started 4 months ago after having an emergency c section.

After my c section, I had quite bad fatigue (which is understandable), I then had a chronic ear infection which lasted for 1 month. Now i have the following problems:
- fatigue
- left calf pain
- left thigh pain
- pain in both shoulders
- lower and upper back pain
- chest pain
- frequent headaches
- jaw pain
- joint pain
- pain when walking after a little while
- shooting pain in buttock and leg
- weakness and pins and needles in a few limbs

These are on going problems.

Neurology dont want to see me. The doctor has only done bloods which my ESR rate was slightly elevated. But the gp was saying oh it could be fibro but hasnt looked in to any other reasons.

I was in a and e as I thought i had symptoms of a dvt in leg but a scan came back negative. Having a doppler test on my legs tomorrow. But this is it..

Is this right?

I'm constantly in pain and having 4 month old child it's hard :(

Do others have the same pains?

Please help! I'm desperate.
Stace, welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear you are going through such pain and discomfort.
Whether or not you have fibromyalgia is going to be unknown for a while. You have had these symptoms for 4 months, which feels like forever when you are going through it, but is not a long time.

FM is diagnosed if the symptoms continue for a lengthy period of time, and after all other possible causes (such as other syndromes and diseases) have been eliminated. At this point, it is possible that what you are experiencing is a result of your c-section and the infection you had, perhaps even compounded by a long course of antibiotics, and it will all get better in another month or two. Of course, no one here is a doctor, so we can't tell you. But I would recommend that you not rush into a decision that you have fibromyalgia unless this has continued for a period of time much longer than 4 months, and you have had all the tests to rule out other things.

Do whatever you can to take the best care of yourself, and ask your partner (if you have one) for help. Try to get appointments to get the eliminating tests run, because this will take some time; it usually takes many months to get a true diagnosis. In the meantime, try your best not to worry about it, as this will make things worse. Don't borrow trouble from the future -- this all may pass in time. Wishing you the best.

To be honest my GP hasnt got much interest in investigating further, but I'm pushing through. My whole body just hurts and aches. It's awful.

My partner works away from home so mist of the time it's just me and baby.

Even before having baby, I can remember aching in places that didnt make sense.. I think abnormal pain has been going on since i was about 16.
If your GP is not interested, go to a different doctor. You need tests to find out what is going on.
I think you need to check it twice to make the problem that you had. I hope you get well soon and wish you all the best
I have been where you are. I have had five C-sections and had recovered from each just fine, however, when I had a hysterectomy at 39 because I am prone to scar tissue and the adhesions were attaching my uterus to my intestines, that was what kicked off the Fibromyalgia.

After the surgery I was feeling as you are now. You have probably done all the things I did as well like quit taking all medicines because you feel as if your sick due to an overload of junk in your system, your obviously not sleeping well because you have a new baby but I wasn't sleeping well period. You ache all over all the time, random body parts hurt for no reason.

Has anyone told you that Fibromyalgia can be set off because of an illness or surgery, really anything traumatic to your body? Has anyone told you that Fibromyalgia can be hereditary and lie dormant in your body until something sets it off? Has anyone told you that if you had mono at anytime in your past that it can translate into Fibromyalgia later in life because the Epstein-Barr virus is the base of Fibro and Mono? These are all proven facts of Fibromyalgia.
Like other posters have said, finding out if what your feeling is Fibromyalgia it all starts with the process of elimination.

Your first elimination is a GP who won't start this process.

You need too start the journey of test after test after test where you hear your normal or the test is negative for that issue. I wish Soo badly that there were better tests and protocols in place for Fibro but there isn't. It really is a process of elimination.
Please be wary of Dr's that say, " depression hurts" but in that same sentance be wary of post-partum depression.
If you can hack it wait until you are six months post-partum to begin the Fibromyalgia journey, then they can't blow it off as birth related. In the meantime make sure you are tested for post-partum just as another process of elimination.
I wish you well.
I have been in your shoes, with 2 emergency C-sections, and also on the other side of the drapes as a CRNA. Keep pushing your OB for help, lots of autoimmune disease can be triggered by both pregnancy and childbirth. The surgical trauma and physical trauma of C-sections is substantial and not every ones body reacts the same. I'm also a well controlled type 1 diabetic and my blood sugars were out of control for months after baby was here. I wish you well!!
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