24 hour wog orFM?

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Oct 17, 2020
I find this site very hard to use so I hope someone gets it. I am resting today and feel slightly better. Has anyone had such a bad attack.? I can only get relief with Valium 5mg and 2 panadol. Can anyone help. Wondering if 24 hour wog? Thank you.
Marymi again. Yesterday i had aching bones, muscles, worse headache ever! Has anyone had this. It felt like 24 hour wog? Not sure . Very perplexed. Cant use this site very well.
Hello @marymi :)

Welcome to the forums. I see you've been a member for some time, but just started posting.

You are doing well, that is, using the site fine.
If you wish to contact a particular person, put the @ symbol in front of their user name, as I have with yours above.

It won't be long before others rock up, @sunkacola and @JayCS are often around. They have heaps more experience and knowledge than I do, so keep an eye out for them.

Please feel free to keep posting, explaining a bit more when you are ready, and I daresay you have already browsed the site, you are free to comment on any of the threads as you feel inclined.

I'm sure you will like it here once you settle in :):)🤗🤗
@JayCS Marymi again. Yesterday i had aching bones, muscles, worse headache ever! Has anyone had this. It felt like 24 hour wog? Not sure . Very perplexed. Cant use this site very well. It could be bad anxiety as family health scare.. if you get time. Can you help?
Hi @marymi

If you have any questions about the site, just ask. I don't know a lot, still learning, but others are better at it than I am.

Everyone on here has fibro in some or many forms, we are not doctors, so the help we can give is simply stating what works for us, or what some others have found helpful.

By sharing a few more details, others will "tune in" a bit more with your issues.

You are using the site well, just chat. Also, people are all over the world, so we are on at all different times.

There's a post on here somewhere about managing, not sure where, if I can find it I will let you know :)

It's at the top of the General discussions about fibromyalgia

It's the one in green, by @sunkacola

Please give that a read ;)
Marymi again. Yesterday i had aching bones, muscles, worse headache ever! Has anyone had this. It felt like 24 hour wog? Not sure . Very perplexed. Cant use this site very well.
Hello @marymi . sorry you have trouble with the site. Please post specific questions about what difficulty you have with the site and we will try to help.

I do not know what you mean by "24 hour wog".

Everyone here can get what you are saying because we all have fibromyalgia, and sometimes the pain we experience with this is pretty outrageous. I know it is for me.

What are you perplexed about? Let us know how we can help.

You mention anxiety. Yes, anxiety will definitely exacerbate all fibromyalgia symptoms, which is why one of the most important thing to do for yourself is to keep all stress to the absolute minimum possible in your life. Not always possible to reduce stress if something bad is going on, but when that happens increase your self care and be gentle with yourself, get as much rest as possible.

Here is a link to the post that BlueBells is mentioning above:
I do not know what you mean by "24 hour wog".
In Australia, the term "24 hour wog" refers to those short term illnesses that only last a day or three. Not quite a cold, or mild food poisoning (eating the wrong stuff 😁 ), but just a "bug" that makes one off-colour for a while. Generally, never worthy of a doctor, just rest and recoup.

I hope that explains it. I figure Adelaide is Adelaide SA, Australia :)
Thanks, BueBells, that explains it beautifully. :)
What we in the US would call a "24 hour bug".
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