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Pain Sucks

New member
Mar 23, 2014
Hi! Let me be another one of those people coming in here panicking about how they think they have fibromyalgia ;P

I am 20 years old. I've had chronic pelvic pain since I was about 16 (chalked up to my polycystic ovarian syndrome, despite the fact that I've had ultrasounds, pelvic exams and even a laparoscopy to find no fibroids, cysts or endometriosis... hmm).
I have always been very sensitive to pain. I've suffered from depression and anxiety since age 7.
My mom (in her 50s) has arthritis and fibromyalgia, but her symptoms are more 'classic' - pain in almost all of the main points, numbness/tingling in extremities, etc.

I was reading a symptoms list last night and thought it sounded eerily like me. I know a lot of them could be chalked up to different things, and it's more likely that I DON'T have fibromyalgia, but here's the stuff I deal with. I would love input.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Occasional tension headaches
  • IBS (constipation)
  • VERY stiff in the morning or after sitting/not moving for even 20, 30 minutes
  • Extreme menstrual pain
  • CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN (main issue I've been dealing with, adds up to about 50% of the time that I'm in pain)
  • Back pain (thoracic, radiates to my ribs and sternum, very episodic, but even without episodes there's usually a dull lingering pain, usually in morning/midday)
  • Tender shoulder muscles
  • Memory issues
  • Sleep/energy issues
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • VERY sensitive to medications (either react badly or just don't need as high of a dose as other people)
  • Frequent low grade fevers (is this relative at all? worth mentioning)
  • Heat/cold intolerance (if it's not between 70-75, I'm not comfortable! hahaha)

I do have hypothyroidism but it is controlled well.
I just don't know what to do. As it is, I'm not really taken seriously for my issues by any doctors because of my age. I started seeing doctors for pain at around 17 and was only prescribed weird NSAIDs, prescriptions for 'stretching exercises', and 'sorry can't do anything' or I would be ignored and they'd move on in the conversation and address other issues as if I hadn't said a word about pain!

I am currently on hydrocodone for menstrual/pelvic pain issues. I've had to start taking it for my back as well. So the dose and quantity haven't increased, I just don't have any leftovers anymore since I usually end up using most by the time of my next refill.

What can I do? How do I bring this up to my doctor? Does mentioning it before he gives a proper assessment and diagnosis hurt or help? I don't want to look like a hypochondriac. It really doesn't help that all of my issues are 'invisible'.
Hello and welcome to the forum. The best advice I can give you is to try and see a Rheumatologist. This type of doctor is best for diagnosising fibro or related illnesses of arthritic nature. They usually run a series of bloodwork to rule out RH and Lupus, Lymes Disease and other conditions, as spinal problems and such. And of course they know where the various spots are to press to see if you might have fibro. Some doctor's are quick in deciding and others like to drag it out a spell to be sure it isn't a more serious condition lurking in the background.

Most of all have confidence in yourself and if the doctor is rude enough to treat you like a hypochondriac, then walk away and never come back to that doctor again. Usually we say don't self-diagnosis, but if the doctor himself mentions fibro then ask questions about it without appearing to believe you have it. If the doctor is a good one you will know it, and if not telling him what you think you have could ruin the entire visit. But don't ever think your crazy or be made to feel like your making the whole thing up. Life is to short to be insulted and treated rudely by anyone. If the first doctor you see is nasty, go see a different one. Be strong and know that we will offer support and a listening ear, no matter what happens. Good Luck in your search for a diagnosis. :)
HI and welcome :) 1sweed has some great advice. I think that you have a lot of symptoms listed, which could or could not be fibro. First things first, you would need to make sure the problems aren't caused by other factors, such as (as you already mentioned) thyroid issues, mental health issues (stress, depression etc), hormonal issues.. Once you rule all these things out, you can start to piece the rest of the puzzle pieces together. You will need a good team of medics to supervise all the tests. I wish you good luck that you can figure out what's going on.
Hi there! I also suffer from PCOS, and let me tell you that suffering from that is worse than most people think! By the way... when you say pelvic pain, are you sure that pain you are feeling isn't being caused by your intestines? I ask because I also suffer from IBS and sometimes I get so bloated I feel pain in my pelvic and mid abdomen area. It's so annoying! I will actually be seeing a doctor for that on Wednesday. Have you ever seen a proctologist or a gastroenterologist? If you haven't you should... my colon and stomach are the responsible of the 95% of my pain right now.

But before that you should see a good rheumatologist and fight to get your diagnosis. With doctors is usually fight after fight, but in the end you must think about yourself... I know what is like not b taken serious by doctors, the doctor I will see on Wednesday once insinuated I'm just hypochondriac and my medical file is as thick as the one from a 75 year old.
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