
  1. K

    Any new Pain treatments out there?

    Hi everyone, Sorry for the longish post, but sometimes it's needed, right? I've been taking narcotic pain meds since early 2001. They've been the only thing that controls pain. Over the years I've tried numerous alternatives, but nothing has been effective. Acupuncture was a joke, I...
  2. vickythecat

    disability, benefits and feeling guilty

    Hi, I am not entitled to disability or any benefits in the country I currently live in, as fibromyalgia, CFS, nerve damage or my lifelong mental health issues (BPD, major depression, social anxiety, PTSD) are not considered 'enough' to be entitled. Sad, really really sad. I am very lucky that I...
  3. M

    What are your strategies?

    Hi everyone, I am new here. I have not been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but my mother has. I have most of the same symptoms as she does and like it did for her, I think it will take a long time for me to figure out why I feel so terrible all the time. I think it is likely that I...
  4. Sagey

    University of Alabama study,Interesting !

    Hi All, Just read an article that a new study is being done with 20 Fibromyalgia patients and 20 control patents in (UAB). The study will be performed by Dr. Younger and his team.They will administer an ultra low dose of lipopolysaccharide(LPS) intravenously. Which is a molecule that is found...
  5. V

    widespread pain, support and treatments

    Found this forum as I have questions about fibro and dealing with the pain and exhaustion. I haven't yet been diagnosed but am waiting to see a rheumatologist. Ive had a lot of symptoms (mostly pain related) over the past many years but haven't put all my symptoms together until recently...
  6. D

    Having problems with Doctor's who believe in Fibromyalgia

    Moved here to Maryland, excited my doctors would be Johns Hopkins, over rated. They sent me out to a doctor at Kernan, awesome doctor, but he no longer is in my network. I am in constant pain. Anyone else have problems with finding a doctor? I don't even like to take pain meds, other doc worked...
  7. N

    Wife Recently Diagnosed with FM. How Can I Help?

    Hello everyone and thank you for your time. This is a pretty long and rambling post, so I've bolded the major points to help make things a bit more digestible :) I'm married to a wonderful woman who has been suffering with chronic pain for about three years after an auto collision. Yesterday...
  8. S

    What alternative treatments have you tried?

    ...........and what worked for you, and what did not? I am not a big fan of the AMA and their approach to things, although I do take tramadol every day and would not be able to function, I think, without it. The doctor I see at a pain clinic wants me to take something else, but everything tried...
  9. D

    New here, asking for help finding specialist

    Hi everyone, First day on the fibro forum, still not officially diagnosed after 2+ years of countless tests (you all know the drill). Even after being non-responsive to conventional chronic pain treatments and pain relievers, eliminating all other disorders, having all the symptoms and meeting...
  10. H

    Why Fibromyalgia Pain Feels Different

    For Amy Mullholand, simple chores like washing the dishes or making breakfast can be incredibly challenging. “On a good day, I can get through the cups and the silverware, then I must sit for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Then I tackle the bowls. Then I sit and rest,” said Mullholand. “On a bad...