
  1. T

    What is your dream job?

    My name is Katie, and I have Fibromyalgia. I'm only 22. I've attempted to work full-time, but I was fired for issues related to disability. I saw a disability lawyer after the incident, but she stated it would be very difficult to file and win as I did not have my doctor's support. Since then, I...
  2. M

    NUCCA Chiropractor Results Visit 1

    :idea: Think about going to a NUCCA chiropractor (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association). Bottom line: if your spine and body is misaligned, your brain, nerves, and blood circulation are not optimal. Pain is a common result. I've been a FM patient since 1998. Needless to say, I've had...
  3. S

    My Fatigue Is Horrible

    I haven't been here in a while, and had forgotten I use to be a member. I found this forum again, and after reading what Fibromyalgia can do to us I knew it was time to come back here. I also have sjogren's, lupus, hypothyroid, and diabetes type 2, so I think I have been minimizing what this...
  4. S

    Finding Rheummys

    Just wanted to put this out there, since I see threads from people looking for a specialist and/or rheumatologist in their area. You may want to considering looking into doctors that are affiliated or work strictly at teaching hospitals. I find that often they have long tenure and have seen a...
  5. F

    PhD student/instructor at the end of the semester, so... crazy?

    Hi, everyone- new here (but not new to fibro) and looking for community. I'm in my mid-30s and in the last few weeks of my seventh straight year of college- I went back in 2009 to complete a BA, then turned around and went into an MA program after graduation, THEN turned around and started a PhD...
  6. M

    What has worked for you? Help

    I'm new here. I was diagnosed with RA 7 years after I started having symptoms in 2007. I started having relief but then I began to have pain again. My SED rates (inflammation) were perfect so my Rheumatologist started changing my meds. Nothing worked for 2 years. One day a student working with...
  7. V

    New forumite, diagnosed in October

    Hi! I was diagnosed at the very start of October. I've been living with the symptoms for years now, but the process is finally finished. What sucks the most is that I wasn't prepared for it. I'd been feeling like it was likely for so long, but when I actually got the diagnosis, I couldn't help...
  8. S

    New and trying support.

    Hello, I'm obviously new here and a little lost but not as lost as I was. I've been dealing with intense chronic pain since July last year. I've been through x-rays, CTs and MRIs over my back and head to rule out disc problems, fractures, tumors, and MS. I've had a nerve and muscle study done...
  9. W

    Newbie here-how do you tell what is flaring?

    I have FM just like my mother did. I have many skin/food allergies and I am very hypersensitive. I have been taking gabapentin since 2012 for nerve problems that started after my hall bladder was removed. Right after that the arthritis in my back and neck got much worse and I started having...
  10. M

    New Member

    Hi All, I'm 28 and was diagnosed with fibro at 17. I have what my doctors describe as one of the most severe cases they've ever seen. Fatigue is also a huge part of my daily life. My degree is in teaching but I have been able to build my own job and run my own tutoring business, so I still get...