skin health

  1. J

    Skin issues? Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis?

    Hello again. I'm still not diagnosed with anything yet. I have an MRI coming up in about a week of head and neck, which should tell us something, hopefully. But meanwhile, my symptoms are still weird and ever-changing. I suddenly developed bilateral, symmetrical, small, raised, firm, bumps on...
  2. Tipnatee N

    Aspirins bath

    My most best relaxation discovery I've found for me who's living with main symptoms of fibromyalgia and panic disorder ( and all the other symptoms) thank to lots of home relaxation treatment on YouTube research while I was bored cause I couldn't move much for many days do to pains. Basically...
  3. A

    Small Skin Problems

    Sometimes we face many skin problems like pimples, wrinkles and dark spots. We have to take care of our skin very carefully. I use the defense healing salve for such problems. It makes my skin healthy and fresh. Thanks to this amazing product. :p