
  1. S

    The Depression Letter

    Reading the Fibromyalgia letters made me think I should write one like it, only talking about Depression. So I just now did. And here it is: I have spent more of my life depressed than I have spent being not depressed. Most people don't think that is possible, but believe me, it is. Many people...
  2. M

    NUCCA Chiropractor Results Visit 1

    :idea: Think about going to a NUCCA chiropractor (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association). Bottom line: if your spine and body is misaligned, your brain, nerves, and blood circulation are not optimal. Pain is a common result. I've been a FM patient since 1998. Needless to say, I've had...
  3. M

    New here, finally!

    If this is confusing at all - I apologize...I am trying to condense tons of information into this space while sick in bed...home from work. My name is "Meesha". I am a military wife of 17 years, this year. Mother of 6: 5 boys and 1 girl. I live in the Northwest with my husband and two boys...
  4. L

    Need Support - Invalidating Doctor.

    First of all, sorry for the length of this. So I had an appointment for my fibromyalgia. I've been told I have it but was getting some more tests ran. I've never seen this doctor before. She was nice at first (and remained 'nice' throughout the appointment). I say 'nice' because some of the...
  5. C

    New to the site

    Hi, I have not been officially told I have anything yet. My fingers are crossed"kinda" that I just have a viral infection. Three weeks ago I went to Bali. Returned home with a gastro-infection that lasted about 4 days. About six days later I developed a bladder infection. On the mend from...
  6. MercyL

    Snap, Crackle, Pop: Scary Sounds in Bad Places

    There are days and even weeks where moving my head sounds like someone firing a rifle. I can feel the vertebrae shifting in the back of my throat. My doctor does not seem all that worried, but it is scary, just the same. Every once in a while my husband gets this horrified look on his face...
  7. G

    Wondering if I have Fibromyalgia

    Thanks a lot for your help. Yeah, I have been thinking about going to one. Because the other thing that I have wondered if I may have is fibromyalgia. I seem to have pain on all the points that are required and what not. Also, I noticed that Fibro and Sleep Apnea usually seem to go hand in...
  8. G

    Re: Update and not a good one

    Re: Update and not a good one Hi Becky LOL, I can't press the buttons on my Ford to unlock the doors--or the hairspray can to fix my hair. The weakness is definitely not 'perceived' it's all too real. My fingers just collapse. I can hold things in my arms, though. The neurosurgeon is the...
  9. G

    New to This, I have Fibromyalgia

    Hi All, I have Fibromyalgia and Peripheral Neuropathy that is becoming more frequent and seems to be advancing. A few years ago, my left arm became paralyzed for 2 1/2 months, but fortunately the nerve regenerated and I regained use of my arm. In the past month, the numbness has become very...
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