
  1. M

    Do I have fibromyalgia?

    About a year ago I started getting pain in my chest and my ribs. Then I started noticing I was getting really out of breath and was getting a really fast heart rate from doing simple activities such as walking up stairs. I had EKGs done and the doctors said nothing was wrong with my heart. I...
  2. S

    Abdominal Issues

    Seems like many of us go through various abdominal issues...pain, indigestion, IBS, etc. Just want to see if anyone else keeps track of what sets it off, or if any have had issues pre-fibro diagnosis. Maybe we can find some common ground on connecting factors. I've mentioned in other posts...
  3. E


    I'm just curious, I've had GERD since I was a teenager, but my heartburn stays out of control despite diet and meds. Does anyone else have this problem? I just had an endoscopy in January, nothing to write home about. Any advice that's off the beaten path?
  4. V

    Signs? Runs in family. Please help.

    Hey everyone. So my grandmother had fibro and I think my mother may as well. I've been researching some symptoms of fibro and have found a lot that march what I've been dealing with for 8 years, but doctors don't want to listen to me. I have widespread pain across my whole body, I have...
  5. M

    Sick with a cold and used Mucinex - Guaifenesin

    Hello. I'm joining this forum to say hello and to offer my story on my recent use of Mucinex during a 10 day nasty cold virus. My history with Fibromyalgia - I have known I've had it for over 15 years and I have tried to manage through the pain and over the last year it has almost disabled me...
  6. T

    Fibro and the flu

    Hello, I was formally diagnosed about a year ago and really appreciate the insight and encouragement that I get from reading/sharing this forum. Unfortunately, Santa brought my family type A influenza for Christmas- 8 of my 11 dinner guests now have the flu. I haven't had the flu myself in 20...
  7. A

    Sick of being sick...

    It seems as if so many conditions are so closely related it is hard to determine which one or combinations one may have. Several years ago I went to my doctor and I told him I was tired all the time, he gave me some stimulants and told me it would restart my system and that I needed to change...
  8. X

    New and concerned!? Help

    Hey there everyone. I'm Therese. I'm 21 years old. I'm new to this forum. Came for advice and maybe some answers about what has been going on with me that past couple months. I haven't yet gone to a rheumatologist to confirm FM, but my primary doctor seems to think that's what I have. All the...
  9. D


    My sister-in-law told me to add turmeric/curcumin to my daily diet to help alleviate pain and swelling. She also said to add a pinch of black pepper when I use turmeric because the pepper magnifies the turmeric's effects. I absolutely do not want to be on medications. I've utilized her advice...
  10. Trellum

    Feeling so confused

    Just yesterday I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, I went to see the gastroenterologist today to discuss the results. Well... it was a complete nightmare! This doctor I had never ever seen before left me with even more questions than answers! It turns out I have a massive hiatal hernia, but...