
  1. M

    at wits end knowing what the hell is wrong with me. thx

    Hi everyone, I have been having issues for a while, over 2 years. Not knowing what was wrong, (having crazy hip pain) I went to a chiro last april 2017, he took an xray said My entire pelvic region was inflamed. My bones were fine. So he had me come 3 times a week, for back adjustment, laser...
  2. S

    No doctor, no insurance, no meds, needing ssi

    I was diagnosed in1996 with fibro. Just a few years later was also diagnosed with hashimotos throiditis. They play off each other. The meds for one doesn't help the other, and vice versa. So thru pain management bio whatever, I learned how to control my pain without meds. I have lived for...
  3. W

    Physicians on Treasure Coast

    Physicians in South Florida Anyone know of internists or rheumi's in West Palm Beach/Palm beach area or even Vero Beach. I'm in Stuart, and an hours drive is about the max I can travel Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks
  4. W

    Greetings :)

    Another Florida resident here. I have had fibro going on 7 years now ( with hyper mobility and a few other odds and ends ) I am glad to meet all of you :), and wishing everyone the best!
  5. O

    Hello from Florida

    Diagnosed a few months ago ( fibro). I believe this started from brain surgery and complications of recover. I'm classic text book fibro pt. Which is the first time I've ever been text book, Im usually told " I've never seen this before":D Two nights ago I had my first real pain at 10 flare up...
  6. B

    Sick, Pain, Ugh

    I'm sick, in extreme pain, and it's raining outside which makes my pain ten times worse. I had so much stuff to do today but I'm so tired and weak and in so much pain I've barely been out of bed today except to let my dog outside. Ugh, when it rains it pours. Literally. All over me. I can't take...
  7. B

    Adulting is hard...with fibro.

    Hello there, I'm Stephanie. 33. Makeup Artist/Educator from Central Florida. I've been "diagnosed" for years, but my DR has only just recently started taking my symptoms seriously. My symptoms have gotten increasingly worse since, it seems every month becomes harder than the one before. This...
  8. S

    Diagnosed 3 years ago but still lost!

    I was diagnosed by a pretty crummy rheumatologist who basically went off of some blood tests taken by my GP and then felt my joints (which always hurt) and said that I had Fibro. I had no idea what that was and she didnt tell me. I stopped seeing her because she didnt listen to me and didnt seem...
  9. S

    Diagnosed 3 years ago but still lost!

    I was diagnosed by a pretty crummy rheumatologist who basically went off of some blood tests taken by my GP and then felt my joints (which always hurt) and said that I had Fibro. I had no idea what that was and she didnt tell me. I stopped seeing her because she didnt listen to me and didnt seem...
  10. D

    Newbie from Florida!

    Hi! I'm so glad I came across this forum. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2008. The doctor who diagnosed me moved her practice so I had to change doctors. The new Dr I went to pretty much said that fibromyalgia was all in my head. I change Dr once again and this doctor has put me on...