
  1. UhOhNedio

    Lower leg/Foot pain

    Hey all, I have a question. Why are my feet hurting soooooo bad? Especially my heels. It feels like I've been standing or walking on concrete all day, and when I go to bed my lower legs and feet just ache. Backstory, (which I know is part of it but not all of it) all those sports and...
  2. R

    Wondering about symptoms

    Hi folks - brand new here. I used to think fibro was just all severe pain all the time, but recently saw something about the other symptoms and how the level and type of pain varies per person, and it made me want to research some more. For the past couple of years (ever since a seriously...
  3. M

    First time in forum vent

    This is my first time posting in public about my fibromyalgia. I was a teenager in the 90's when diagnosed. The past few years have brought more pain, injury and devastating depression and suicidal thoughts that I ever imagined. I've tried patient rehab, support groups, friends, relatives...
  4. S

    help please

    Hi. I am 31 years old and have the symptoms of fibro, my gp has put me on duloxetine 20mg twice a day but due to pain level they have upped it to 60mg daily. Im currently off work due to the symptoms and the constant fatigue. My hair is falling out too. I have been referred to rheumatology but...
  5. vickythecat

    True hell waking up in the morning

    Hi, This is by far my biggest problem of the day. In fact, the biggest problem of my life. Waking up...and the 2-3 hours afterwards. I know waking up feeling not rested, like you've not slept at all is a common symptom of fibro, but with me it seems to be quite extreme. It is really life...
  6. L

    Sleep study for sleep apnoea

    I know I asked already if anyone else had sleep apnoea and there were a few. I did the sleep study last night at home and if this comes back positive I'll be referred for a sleep study as an inpatient in hospital. I'll be really surprised if it comes back negative but still have that wee glimmer...
  7. S

    Dark Place

    Hello Everyone, I need a vent to people who understand what we go through. I've been flaring pretty much the last 3 months due to it being winter where I am. I feel like I am in such a dark place right now, like I'm trying to climb out of a big hole but I just can't get out and keep falling to...
  8. Tipnatee N

    What is your most usual Sleep Disorder?

    When it comes to Sleep disorder, I can firmly say that I have already covered almost all of the subject except the Apnae as my dad has, at least not yet. But the weirdest one would be the Circadian Rhythm Disorder that I falling in to the category of the Non 24 Sleep Disorder. (AKA...
  9. S

    scared of my future with fibro!

    Okay, so i am 19 and have had fibro for almost 5 years. Its been really severe and even mild sometimes. But it really effects me and my ability to do normal everyday things. Juggling a job, a full course load in uni and outside activities is a lot for anyone but even more so for me. My entire...
  10. P

    Random symptoms: Fibro related or not?

    Hi all, As with any new diagnosis, you start to wonder if all kind of other things are related. There are a few symptoms I've noticed that may or may not be related to Fibro (or Celiac) but wanted to ask about: 1. rapid weight loss: I've lost 10lb since March! This is a good thing, since I'd...
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