
  1. C

    Weakness. Is it fibro?

    Hi guys, I have been having issues since I had my first Caesarian back in November 2011 and it's been getting progressively worse. My mom had Fibromyalgia and is convinced that's my issue but I'm not so sure. I don't get a lot of pain which is primarily what fibro is, as far as I know. I do...
  2. EllaForgotten

    Recent diagnosis & overwhelmed with despair.

    I'm new to the forums and have been reading a bit. I have so many symptoms that no doctors (and I see many) will give me an answer or solution other than medications that will make me sicker. I feel like I'm slowly dying, literally, and I can't for the life of me understand why doctors simply...
  3. D


    Just got a few blood results back, lab messed up 2 of my 8 viles though. Anyone else hear about this MTHFR gene mutation? MTHFR produces enzymes from B vitamins, Folic Acid, I think. First i've ever heard of it, apparently it's very prevelant, something around 60 percent of population has a...
  4. G

    What worked for us

    I have no financial ties to any products mentioned here, and no association other than being a member, with any websites that I may mention. If I mention them, it is only because I, as a mother of a child diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, CRPS and CFS/ME, have found them to be helpful. My...
  5. M

    Epsom salts the alternative pain relief

    Hi eveyone, just sharing what helps me with my fm pain. Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the amazing health benefits . Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body including...
  6. R

    Energy Crisis

    Hi, I managed to know what is Fibromyalgia just 15 days ago and I have been down with it for the last 19 odd years, I am grateful to the B-Complex medicine that has given me tremendous relief, my sleep has come back, after sleeping well for the last 10 days I have realized what its like to be...
  7. G


    I was diagnosed in February with Fibromyalgia. The doctor put me on Cymbalta, a low dose due to sleeping problems. I am now in the process of weaning off of the medication. My liver enzymes are very high, and I don't drink. Doctor believes it is the medication. I was eating gluten and sugar...
  8. M

    hi i am new to support

    Hello I have had fibromyalgia and severe chronic fatigue for 17 yrs. Being a very active, working, type A my whole life this condition has changed me forever. I manage one day at a time and have seen many doctors. I have experimented with medications, herbs, and lotions. There have been times...
  9. B

    Histamine & Fibromyalgia.

    Hi everyone. I've had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for about 17 years. My sister has chronic fatigue and sinus problems that debilitate her. We have found out that histamines in food can cause these symptoms. We have been on a low-histamine diet for a month and now have started taking an...
  10. G

    General Question/Looking for answers

    I was diagnoses 6yrs ago with RSD about 2 years into it I started have tremendous muscular pain in my arms & must of all in my legs. For the last 4 yrs, I started to feel like I was going crazy. The doctors just switched me fron muscle relaxer to muscle relaxer. And no changes, things were just...