
  1. djhsix

    Schedule A disability employment

    Anyone here tried getting a job with the federal government (USA) using the Schedule A Hiring Authority, which gives persons with a disability preferential treatment? Check out the Office of Personnel Management website for info. Fibromyalgia isn't one of the Targeted disabilities/conditions...
  2. S

    feeling hopeless

    So I have a kidney transplant and about 40% efficient there and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year. I have not been able to hold permanent full time employment due to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and pain/neuropathy. My last two employers said they would work with me on the...
  3. Forgetmenot

    Employment and support allowance

    So it's been a year since I got employment and support allowance. And I have had to fill in another great big book.and I need a face to face again. Where I shall have to do all sorts of stupid things I can't do,to prove I can't hold down a job. It's so stressful I'm in a lot of pain.and it's...
  4. E

    on being on long term disability

    anyone else on disability, not currently working because of fibro? how do you explain it to people (though now i'm thinking clothespins). at times i'm so tired and miserable i think i can't stand it; especially of late since these bizarre electric shocks have entered the mix? i feel like i need...
  5. D

    abandoned by family

    Hi all, I'm new here. I've tried to handle this fibro alone. Ha. I raised four children. I was a wonderful mom. Room mother for all of them, girl scout leader, coach for numerous sports etc..I always had their backs no matter what. As most moms do I sacraficed a lot for them. Divorced in 2005...
  6. D


    Hello everyone.....my name is Dan and I'm a fibromyalgia survivor. I stumbled onto your site today while surfing the internet on assistance with filing for FLMA. A colleage of mine knows how difficult it is for me to be at work in constant pain, and suggested I protect my employment by filing...
  7. M

    Go get a job! Not as easy as it sounds.

    I've been under a lot of pressure to get a job. My current financial situation is hard. I live with my partner and he has a low paying full time job. When I was in school my parents supported me but I've been out of school for a year now and work on photography/graphic design/ retouching is hard...
  8. L

    Bore Da

    Good Morning everyone, I am Lesoot (Le -suit) - I am a 36 year old welshman with Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed in 2001. I have also been refused Employment and support allowance (uk peeps will know what this is) and have been told I am fit for work, so i found a job and they told me i'm not fit...
  9. K

    Beginning the Disability Process with SSD

    Hi All Like many of you, I have FM/CFS and was diagnosed over 10 years ago. Similar symptoms that appear to be getting worse, most recently, hand pain making everything difficult. After leaving many jobs when I got too sick to work and then finding less demanding jobs and starting over, I...
  10. F

    New to this site, but not to Fibro.

    Hi everyone. I'm new here, but definitely not a newbie to Fibro. I'm 28 and was finally diagnosed a few years ago although I have been "sick" since at least 3rd grade (I remember the chronic severe pain even then). As most people with Fibro, I have several additional chronic illnesses too...