
  1. Lana


    Anger at..... The pain and the exhaustion. The fibro fog that makes me look like I have Dementia. The longing to go back to work but knowing that its impossible. The feeling of being useless. The days my mind and body fight, my mind wants to do everything and my body says NO WAY!! Fighting to...
  2. Sagey

    Interesting article on mind body connection

    The first component of mind body science is a molecule found on the surface of all our cells in our brains and our bodies. They are so small that millions cover a single nerve cell. This first component is called a receptor, and it is attached to a cell’s outer membrane. It lies exposed to the...
  3. L

    Finally diagnosed - mixed emotions

    So my rheumatologist finally diagnosed me yesterday with hypermobility and fibro. I was devastated and relieved at the same time - relieved that this wasn't actually all just in my head but devastated that I have this debilitating illness. My rheumatologist is going to tweak my meds a bit and...
  4. S

    Just diagnosed under a month ago

    Hi, everyone - How are you? I am in MS and I was diagnosed the day of the presidential elections. Sigh. I am really struggling right now; I'm hoping to get support here, as I did when I got my Celiac disease diagnosis 11 years ago and joined a forum that was a lifesaver, in terms of accepting...
  5. ArnoldJRimmer

    emotional hell

    Im sort of an oddball guy. ive always tried to live up to the image of a tough guy, the white knight and all. even though iv actually been the shy kid, the quiet one. overall, emotions were normal untill my body decided to wear out. now i feel i have no control over anything. depression runs...
  6. PattiD

    feeling like a zombie and venting

    Hey everyone. I haven't been on for awhile. I dislike my meds making feel like a zombie. I think I would rather handle the pain without meds. Its just so frustrating. :roll: I feel like a test dummy for some of these meds at times. It's like here try this, maybe this will work. The other thing...
  7. H

    ME/CFS Phone Support Group

    ME/CFS weekly phone support group starting Saturdays at 8pm EST. This is a peer to peer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME support group. This call is designed to support one another through the hardships of this illness by listening and sharing experiences. Join us from the comfort of your own bed...
  8. D

    Feel Good Factor

    Well my fibro might be bad but I watched some of Glastonbury Festival on Saturday and Sunday...wow Adele and Coldplay...amazing.....i turned up the volume on my TV to full and imagined i was there! My pain all over was about 7 or 8 and i got a headache from the volume but i didnt care it was a...
  9. W

    Avenues To Express Our Emotions

    So many of us deal with pain, disappointment, grief over the loss of our future expectations, the friendships and other loved ones we've lost as a result of this condition, our ability to make money, etc., and I wondered how others express it. Some in my family have drawing/painting talent, but...
  10. D

    Missing active hobbies

    Its well into Spring in the UK and the sunshine and longer days have brought mixed emotions this year. Many of you will know that 9 years into fibro the last 18 months my health has been on a constant decline so that even my old fibro normal is a dim and distant memory. Prior to this decline...
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