chronic illness

  1. M

    "Toxic: Heal Your Body"

    Good evening, everyone (at least in my neck of the woods, lol). I hope you are having a reasonably good day. I just wanted to share the name of a book I borrowed from the library _Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Chronic...
  2. T

    24 y/o male with fibromyalgia-related symptoms.

    I am a 24 year old male from the United States and I am in the process of being diagnosed/treated for something that has been described to me (by doctors) as fibromyalgia related. For most of my life, I have had mild anxiety and depression and was most recently diagnosed with GAD. When I was...
  3. vickythecat

    Mental illness and fibro

    Hi, I was wondering whether anyone else would like to share their own experiences regarding mental illness and its correlation with fibro. I've always been a very sensitive introverted child. Growing up I started self injurying mainly because life would simply be too much for me. I'd worry...
  4. vickythecat

    What is your own theory as to why/how you have fibro?

    Hi, I completely respect the medical community - from the many hardworking, dedicated researchers, doctors, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists, counselors etc. I am also very sure that there are teams all around the world, people who are currently devoted to finding the cause and cure...
  5. D

    Another like Sageys

    Dear Miserable Human Being, Hi, my name is Fibromyalgia, and I’m an invisible chronic illness. I am now ‘velcroed’ to you for life. Others around you can’t see me or hear me, but YOUR body feels me. I can attack you anywhere and anyway I please. I can cause severe pain, or if I am in a good...
  6. H

    Someone who understands

    Hi! I want to communicate with someone who understands fibromyalgia and chronic illness. I have all the diseases that go along with it or are related to it, such as interstitial cystitis. I have been chronically ill for about twenty years. While I have accepted my limitations, one thing I really...
  7. I

    This is what dying feels like, right?

    Diagnosed w/ FM yesterday, although I am no stranger to chronic illness. I have been off work for a couple of years w/ a diagnosis of "severe hypersomnolence" in the absence of any other concrete diagnosis. After a couple of night time studies, my insurer required more evidence that it was...
  8. D


    I just watched an item on tv about anxiety. I honestly didn't realize so many people didn't know how anxiety felt....I kind of assumed if you had been dumped or gone through a bad relationship break up or faced other even tougher times like getting a chronic illness or many other things like...
  9. E

    Am I a Terrible Person?

    So - goes without being said that I've had a lot of procedures, both under anesthesia and awake. They are not fun and I don't wish them on anyone... The thing is - my sister is having a "female" procedure done, of course it's scary, of course no one wants to be in that scenario, but the DRAMA...
  10. K

    Moving Out

    Hi There Fibro Friends, thought maybe i can get some suggestions. So i been contemplating a lot lately on moving out of my moms house like any normal 21 year old would, also in some of my prior post i shared that at times we butt heads and she is sometimes not the best support system because...