
  1. M

    Comparing symptoms and need advice

    Hi I'm Danni, I posted once quite some time ago. I was diagnosed with fibro 12 years ago now and have been learning as I go. I read the advice forum from back then that most recommend on here and it has helped with vitamins and such. I am sorry if someone else has already posted something like...
  2. notsogrimreaper

    Job Interview advice

    I am going on a job interview and my question is when do I let them know about my disabilities? During the interview or after I secure the job?
  3. O

    Struggling to finish school, any advice?

    I’m trying so hard to graduate and get my degree (undergrad BA) but my pain and I just don’t work well with the expected college student life. I struggle to get to campus every day and sit in their uncomfortable little chairs and work at my computer for hours. I’m too tired out from being at...
  4. C

    Newly diagnosed in a global pandemic and lockdown...

    Hi all, I'm a (very) new member, having joined today, and am hoping for some advice. I'll give you the context leading up to where I am now, if that's OK. I began having pains in my wrists, hands and arms in January 2020. My GP thought it was Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and I was told to...
  5. L


    Hello all, thank you for this space to talk. It’s my first message in any kind of forum so I’m a total newbie. I was diagnosed in the new year and have been taking a low dose antidepressant (nortriptyline) since then and have since last month been suffering with raw/ painful dry throat which can...
  6. A


    Fibromyalgia-diagnosed Hello everyone, My name is Athina and i am from Greece. I am 28 years old and recently before a month and a half i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia,afer 5 years of endless running to the doctors for pain in the hands, in my back, in my legs and making all kind of exams...
  7. S

    Early signs?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
  8. S

    early onset symptoms?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
  9. H

    Help and support

    Hi. I'm new to this. I have been diagnosed with M.E and fibromyalgia. I have really low mood and I think I've tried most anti depressants. I'm currently taking amitriptyline 50mg. I tried to go up to 75mg but couldn't tolerate this so had to come down again. I don't really know if it is...
  10. L

    Do I have fibromyalgia??

    Hi everyone. I know y'all probably get this question 10000 times, but I have to ask, as my quality of life is so so bad and I don't have insurance, so getting all the tests I need is not an option at the moment.. I've been experiencing these symptoms for about the past year, but especially these...