
  1. S

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    There probably isnt an answer to this, but in the past few weeks I am almost starting to think I cant possibly be in the constant state of pain, and also of my feelings of the depth of pain. When I speak with any medical professional I tell them the truth - I am in constant pain, 24hrs no let...
  2. K

    New to this forum not new to FM/CFS/ME

    Hi, I have had the problems listed since I inherited it from my Mother. At 81 yrs. of age I have been through most of all the terrible things we live thru. My reason for posting is Fibro Fog & Brain Fog (CFS). In Jan. 2017 my left leg buckled & I fell ending up in the hospital. They did an...
  3. R

    Possibly Fibro?

    I have been going to a doctor for a few years trying to get a diagnosis. In the last two years we have discussed the following: Quick, stabbing pains or lingering pains in random areas of the body Tingling, numbness or burning sensation in extremities, skin feeling tight...
  4. A


    I remember laying in bed with severe leg and foot pain as early as 8 years old. My Mother would tell me ' It's just growing pain'. When I became an adult, was no longer growing, and still had the pain, it was obvious that the pain I was experiencing was not 'just growing pain' but something much...
  5. L

    Joint laxity

    Does anyone else suffer from joint laxity/hypermobility? I have it in most of my joints & it is a nightmare & along with fibro is the most problematic. My ankles are seriously unstable, I've been to a podiatrist who has provided me with orthotics as I have almost no arches on my feet. He...
  6. vickythecat

    it's too much, just too much....

    I will use this post as therapy...I just have to because I have no other option. 5 weeks ago 2 newly born kittens were left in front of our building. People see that we take care of stray animals, and decide that taking away babies from their mothers and bringing them us is a good idea. (It is...
  7. Tipnatee N

    Oh no I can't speak!! , still can think and typing but can't say anything .

    Is it fibro fog or my vocal cord is not fuction correctly? Usually when it comes to communication ability when it comes to my fibro fog , I usually get slur words, can't complete the sentences, lost vocabularies along with my short terms memories lost or just simply lost the reality all together...
  8. S

    Diagnosed Today (this is long - sorry)

    This turned out a lot longer than I intended. TLDR: After many years of chronic pain I'm adding Fibro to my growing list of medical problems. Went to see my Rheum today for my three-month checkup, she said my most recent pain is a Fibromyalgia flare-up and that we will treat me going forward...
  9. C

    Newly-diagnosed & trying to adjust...

    Hi everyone, I was just diagnosed on 6/16/17 after having symptoms for at least several years. While it was good to finally find out what is wrong, it's also turned my life upside down a bit. I had been "dealing" with my health issues by using all of my energy to get to work during the week...
  10. S

    scared of my future with fibro!

    Okay, so i am 19 and have had fibro for almost 5 years. Its been really severe and even mild sometimes. But it really effects me and my ability to do normal everyday things. Juggling a job, a full course load in uni and outside activities is a lot for anyone but even more so for me. My entire...