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    More evidence showing fibromyalgia is an auto-immune response and does not originate in the brain

    I suspect FM is an inflammatory response to the ‘ingredients’ (Hg and Al etc) in vaccines. On the manufacturer’s vaccine inserts they often list MYALGIA as just one of many possible reactions. There are variables in the reactions as we are all different. Unfortunately people are too busy being...
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    Fibromyalgia possible cause ?

    A listed on the packaging ‘side effect’ of all vaccines is myalgia (inflammation) we all get the MMR at around 3-4 years old.
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    Screenshot (161).png

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    Fibro flare after vaccines

    Ugh whatever.. time for a booster by the sounds. Enjoy..
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    Fibro flare after vaccines

    Interesting… if you look at the listed side effects of the quakcines a common ’side effect’ is MYALGIA. I suspect my FM was caused by this too. I wonder why the ‘drs’ don’t want to diagnose FM? The formaldehyde and aluminum sulphate in the shots has to be good for you right? What could go...
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    Amino acids have nearly done away with my fibromyalgia

    I’m seeing some great results with Himalayan Shilajit.
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    One of the most over-prescribed potions it is, messed me up too. Glad you saw the light! Well done..
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    Bad Karma, well deserved....

    Rhinitis is just another ‘side effect’ of the MMR.
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    Rhus Toxicodendron

    I’m reading about this homeopathic remedy and it’s results. I have a good link on its results but I think it’s considered spam if I try and post the link here. I have ordered some RT and will post the results as time goes on. Not sure if I’m allowed to post the place where I ordered it from either.
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    My introduction - input appreciated

    Hey Archie.. same symptoms here since early 2022’ body a wreck now. Neurological issues are concerning too. I’m not wasting any time and money on “drs“ with their pills and procedures, handing me around to their golf friends. I’m not their cash cow. I’ll try and solve this by reading what...