Althea913, your post sounds exactly like me. I have been suffering for over 3 years and just got diagnosed with fibromalygia in July. I too have 4 kids, a dog, bunny, fish and a tortoise. I also have ulcerative colitis which is in remission and possibly an auto immune issues as well. That is...
I have been seeing a rheumotologist for almost 3 years now. He believes I have something inflammatory especially since I did respond well to prednisone. I went for a second opinion. She feels it is not inflammatory and just fibro. I believe I may have fibro as well as inflammatory. I go...
My mouth sores never hurt, just annoying. What are you on metatrexate for? I tried it for a while. Helped my pain but I was getting sick on it even after taking folic acid.
Hello all. Glad to find this forum. I was just diagnosed July 13 after 3 plus years and 2 rheumotologists. Long story short, I started having pain all over. Holding my son's hand was painful. I joined a fitness boot camp and had to stop since the pain and fatigue was so bad. I thought I...