Vibration machine for fibromyalgia


Senior member
Nov 17, 2021
I recently listened to a podcast about the use of vibration or vibration machines for relief from fibromyalgia pain. Yes, I am positive they are quite expensive, although I have not looked into any specific machines. But I'm pretty sure I remember the podcast saying they were pricey.

I bring this up and I'm very interested in it because I know for a fact that vibration is a great great pain reliever for me personally. @JayCS knows this as we have had discussions about using our massage quote unquote guns, which essentially act as little vibration hammers. It is one of the most important tools in my alternative therapy toolkit, and I use it everyday multiple times a day.

But the thought of actually having a machine that I guess vibrates the entire body or at least larger portions of it then the small massage gun is really exciting to me. If I had tons of money I would be shopping for one right now. LOL. That's how much relief I get from vibration.

So my question is has anyone here used a vibration machine of any type? How much do they love their machine? What type of machine do they use and how does it work? Do they have any recommendations regarding where to shop or brands? This is new to me and any information provided would be most informative as I research this new idea to me anyway.

I did do a search before creating this post, and did not find any titles with the word vibration in it, so I don't think this is really been discussed much before. If I'm wrong, please direct me to the post or thread about it because I really want to know more.

Thank you everyone in advance for reading this and for any comments about it. Have a terrific day!
Hi JamieMarc
I apologize, I don’t have any further information for you. However I wanted to jump on this thread because this is something I am interested and curious about as well. I have read about the benefits of vibration and considered researching it further.
I’d love to hear from other members of the community. Hopefully someone has some first hand knowledge regarding this topic.
Thanks for posting! I appreciate it
I really hope so too. I am very interested in the topic and plan to do some further research on my own.
There is an article in the national library of medicine called The Therapeutic Effects of Whole-Body Vibration in Patients With Fibromyalgia. A Randomized Controlled Trial that I am going to read today or this week.

Unfortunately, despite the promising results, the machines are so expensive. As I continue my research, I will make the decision whether or not to save up for such a device. It seems to me that the triplanar machine would be the way that I would want to go.
Some quotes from the aforementioned study (as is too often the case with fibromyalgia, more studies are needed...ugh):

While the one-time intervention demonstrated efficacy, there was no reported long-term effect, that is, the WBV effect did not remain at follow-up. To our knowledge, this has been the only study to date to add a 3-months follow-up. This fact has shown that the physiological effects are only maintained while WBV is performed. Although we used the frequency recommended by Chulvi-Medrano et al. (23), different frequencies are commonly used to act on pain, and an increase in frequency has been observed to cause a progressive increase in EMG activity during WBV in healthy people (50). Thus, the use of different frequencies must be explored for investigating how they may affect to the maintenance of the effects...

...In conclusion, the rotational WBV seems to improve pain, functionality, quality of life and balance in people with fibromyalgia. The findings presented in this study validate the benefits of this technique, and advise clinical practitioners including this kind of rotational WBV to their treatment protocols. Further research is needed to establish the parameters assuring the maintenance of the effects and to elucidate the differences among the vibration devices, what would allow personalizing the program according to the clinical characteristics of each patient, in the spirit of personalized medicine.
There is an article in the national library of medicine called The Therapeutic Effects of Whole-Body Vibration in Patients With Fibromyalgia. A Randomized Controlled Trial that I am going to read today or this week.

Unfortunately, despite the promising results, the machines are so expensive. As I continue my research, I will make the decision whether or not to save up for such a device. It seems to me that the triplanar machine would be the way that I would want to go.
My Sister-in-Law is a naturopathic physician. She mentioned Whole Body Vibration as a possible treatment. However, she lives on the other coast so I can't try out her machine. (She has no experience with fibro directly.) 😭

I just read the article you referenced above. I was disappointed that there was no standardization that could be teased out of the study.

The WBV machines range from affordable a seemingly $100 all the way to $1500. Lots to consider. Some health clubs have WBV machines. I saw a $98 Groupon for four sessions. Or, $33 for one-whole body session. I'd do that. The areas of focus are; Improved Circulation, Muscle Soreness, and Increased Flexibility. Nothing specifically for pain. But it's easy to find what pose would work for oneself which we must do.

You're onto something with the "triplanar machine". Not all have that functionality. These machines are new in the market. The price will come down. There are sales out there now. Watchful waiting. I've learned. I hopped onto the BetaMax.
Sounds interesting, I have tried the handheld intrasound massages in the past and wondered about buying one as I sold mine. The whole body type would be good to try and give everything a good shake.
Just wanted to thank you so much for the information on the Groupon offers!

I know for a fact that vibration does help me, although I have never experienced whole body vibration. But, for example, I set my bed to vibration mode for 30 minutes when I crawl into bed at night, and once it stops, if I am not already asleep, I feel a great sense of relief. Also, my percussion massage tool, which I use daily several times a day, causes vibration on and around whichever body part I am using it on, and that also feels great! Much better than, let's say, a shiatsu massage tool.

Again, thank you so much. They are indeed expensive, out of my price range at the moment, and the Groupon idea would be a great way to test it out.
Thanks badger. I will have to look into the ultrasound massage. I was not even aware of that, nor that it could be bought. I appreciate the information. 🙏
Sorry, I had meant to type Intrasound massager, but mistakenly post 'ultrasound'. They look like this.

There’s an Australian chiropractor who has developed a massager for Fibromyalgia
He’s called DrGraeme and his massagers look different to typical gun massagers because they have flat heads rather than the typical ball heads so they appear more suitable. I’ve never tried one but they are reasonably priced.
I had a vibration machine, the big one you stand on , it felt fabulous,
I told my spine doc I’d started using one at gym ( back in 2012 when I still worked) I loved it so much I brought one. He promptly told me not to use it as it would start aggravating my deteriorating spine. So I sold it . Oh but it did feel good.
I’m scratching my head in regards to whole body vibrations making you feel better. I use a non medical vibration machine called a riding lawnmower and I always feel crappy after using it. lol So this will be interesting to follow and see what y’all figure out. Good luck.
I recently listened to a podcast about the use of vibration or vibration machines for relief from fibromyalgia pain. Yes, I am positive they are quite expensive, although I have not looked into any specific machines. But I'm pretty sure I remember the podcast saying they were pricey.

I bring this up and I'm very interested in it because I know for a fact that vibration is a great great pain reliever for me personally. @JayCS knows this as we have had discussions about using our massage quote unquote guns, which essentially act as little vibration hammers. It is one of the most important tools in my alternative therapy toolkit, and I use it everyday multiple times a day.

But the thought of actually having a machine that I guess vibrates the entire body or at least larger portions of it then the small massage gun is really exciting to me. If I had tons of money I would be shopping for one right now. LOL. That's how much relief I get from vibration.

So my question is has anyone here used a vibration machine of any type? How much do they love their machine? What type of machine do they use and how does it work? Do they have any recommendations regarding where to shop or brands? This is new to me and any information provided would be most informative as I research this new idea to me anyway.

I did do a search before creating this post, and did not find any titles with the word vibration in it, so I don't think this is really been discussed much before. If I'm wrong, please direct me to the post or thread about it because I really want to know more.

Thank you everyone in advance for reading this and for any comments about it. Have a terrific day!


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