If you're on the fence about adopting a dog...

[QUOTE="SweetWithSour, post: 324682, member: 40357"

I have so many wish I can..., would be great to..., I miss.... and frustration moments. It's no all rainbows and sunshine.

Because you are human @SweetWithSour and realistic. We can't always win the fight, so it's better ( but not easy) to back down and accept this is how it is. Use your energy and love for the smaller, but not lesser pleasures you can have in life . ( hi dogs!)

I can still enjoy it with the hand I'm holding.

Wish I could access the ( gentle ) but emoji here. 😻

@JamieMarc he has a lovely coat, they are wonderful company. I'll be looking after my brother's Bichon frise, Wesley cross in June while they're on holiday. He's 8 years old with a lovely personality although more training would have been helpful.
Photos @Badger please. We need to Balance the not so good stuff with some happy pics. Can you walk him? I know your mobility can be limited. I think you said you dog air him sometimes too, so least he will be in his happy place with someone he trusts and enjoys.

I know bringing a dog into our household right now wouldn't be right, maybe once health has settled ( she says laughing hysterically) because any animal needs a calm settled environment. Need to put a dogs needs above my own.

Meanwhile I continue to fuss all the dogs surrounding us, and on occasion animal sit friends animals too. So still getting my furry fix
I'm not able to stay on my feet for long, so will regularly walk around the garden while he potters about when he spends time here. He'll follow me round and find a place to settle. Sounds hilarious making a noise while having a good scratch. Someone will help walk him for me.

Told you @Badger he will be happiest on his hols with you! a little potter about sounds good,there should be some proper sun by Junebso help find the best warm but not too hot a spot to snooze 🐾
Well @Badger looks like you need to get a westie size suit of armour for your brother's dogs holidays with you!

Needed this laugh this morning. Bit scared, first rheumatologist appt this morning, anxiety ramped up.

You made me laugh, thanks Badger. 😂😂 Have a good day
Thanks so much @Badger. Just got home after being too at stupid o'clock. Will update later on a more appropriate thread. Too battered right now.
Am keen to keep this one going as only for DOGS, because even if I can't have one myself, I enjoy ' sharing ' others hounds.😁
@SweetWithSour , what are you trying to do to me of an afternoon with all these lovely doggie pictures 🤍, 😥(the one at the bottom looks so much like my late bichon I lost 5 years ago, Princess tinkerbell twinkle-star) yes @JamieMarc makes such a difference (so many differences!) I had post traumatic stress disorder from a previous town i lived in (due to what some men did to me) having my dogs at the time were the only thing that made a difference (cos I was frankly a mess) plus it gave me extra motivation to go out walking/exercise/confidence (It makes conversations with people sometime's where there wouldn't be usually) I hope when I move I'll be allowed one (they make all the difference) ✨🧚🏼‍♀️✨
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Then I know there will be a special dog coming your way in the future who needs, and deserves someone like you @Auriel they will be a lucky hound. You also deserve the amazing bond and unconditional love from another dog. One day Auriel... I wishing for you. X

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