If you're on the fence about adopting a dog...


Senior member
Nov 17, 2021
In 2019, a meta-analysis of 10 studies involving more than 3.8 million people linked dog ownership to a 24 percent risk reduction in mortality for diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Cardiovascular risk was even better: Dog ownership was associated with a 31 percent risk reduction for death from heart disease, the study found.
Those are some big, well researched numbers!

Let's throw in a picture of my baby.


My dogs provide me with so much joy, laughter, calm and love!

Your dog is sooooooooo cute!

Here are some pictures of my girls. We lost my old lady the beginning of March. She had a long wonderful life full of love, travel and adventure!


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Seeing a happy dog @SweetWithSour always makes .me smile. I know all the dogs by name ( and character ) in our village and surrounding villages ...just can't always say the same about the humans.😂 We lost our rescue border collie some 8 years ago and still miss her. I'd love to adopt another in the future a home seems like something missing without a dog. Husband doesn't want to go through the heartbreak again, whereas for me, I feel one will come our way.
Seeing a happy dog @SweetWithSour always makes .me smile. I kn
Me too! Seeing @SweetWithSour girls brought an instant smile to my day and a lift my spirit! This is why I love nature so much. This is why I love hiking and observing all of the life around me. It brings such joy to my heart. 🤓💯🥰
@SBee I 100% know what you are talking about knowing the dog names around you. I'm much better at knowing the dogs, over knowing the people 😂 the loss of a pet is so hard, I can understand how your husband doesn't want to feel that again. I also know that I don't want to live without their companionship. I hope a furbaby finds it's way into your home again 🤗
@SBee I hope you do adopt one. It does sound like something you really want, and although I know heartbreak is hard, death is what makes life so precious. Our lost loved ones, be they animals or humans, always live on in our hearts. We carry them wherever we go. They are never truly lost. As long as I can care for one, I will always have a dog. And maybe even more pets. I hope that you won't allow the heartache to make you feel regret down the road at not adopting again.

Whatever decision you make, make sure it's the right one for you and your family.

All my affection and big hugs! I know what it's like to lose a beloved pet. 🤗🫂🥰
100% know what you are talking about knowing the dog names around you. I'
Me too! Coby and I have lots of dog friends around us, and he is ever so happy whenever we run into one of them, although he always gets the zoomies at first because he's so excited! Even at 11 lb, that excitement can tug me along. Lol. But he loves all of his dog friends as do I.
We have a friend who lives nr us who works for RSPCA ( I'm animal rescue\protection) she works in the dog section.... A little word in her ear one day and so know she would help out. I have the patience and respect to work with a dog particularly a rescue dog whose background may have been pretty bad. A gentle hand and fine and a ton of tlc. ( but Like me actually! )
Your girls are beauties but you already know that of course. 😁
This is why I love nature so much. This is why I love hiking and observing all of the life around me. It brings such joy to my heart.
@JamieMarc I too love and appreciate nature! My girls (dogs) and I use to go hiking all the time. Something so rejuvenating being on a trail, hearing all the sounds of nature and the clean fresh nature smell.

I haven't been able to go hiking the last few years because of my tumor-induced osteomalacia. My muscles have wasted, breathing difficulties, and fear that my legs would break while in the woods. I do still get to enjoy nature with the birds, turtles and fish in my pond out back. It's not the same, but it does still provide me with peace and enjoyment.
@SweetWithSour oh, I'm so sorry that you can no longer do something that you love so much, but at the same time I'm grateful you still get to enjoy nature near your home. I know it's not the same, but it beats the alternative which is nothing right? My heart goes out to you so much! From one fellow nature lover to another, I really do feel your pain because I just can't imagine losing that. I know someday that I will, but for now I won't borrow trouble and enjoy the time that I have and the ability that I have.

I am sending you an extra special big loving hug today. I hope that it gives you some comfort. You sound fine and I know that you have accepted it, but it is just so heart-wrenching to me. 🫂🤗🙏🥰🫂
I am sending you an extra special big loving hug today. I hope that it gives you some comfort. You sound fine and I know that you have accepted it, but it is just so heart-wrenching to me. 🫂🤗🙏🥰🫂
Thank you! Yes I have accepted but still keep trying to fight against it 😁 sometimes (ok often) I forget that I now have limits. I soon will be trying a new medication that hopefully will bring my phosphorus up closer to a normal range and my bones will start to rebuild and get stronger an my muscles stop breaking down. For the time being I'll appreciate the beauty I can experience from being mostly bedbound these days. I enjoy sitting on the patio getting sun and watching the dogs play. My favorite time is very early mornings. I can see the stars and hear all of the night noises. This then transitions to the cotton candy clouds of sunrise and breakfast time at the pond for many birds. I do dearly miss my sunrise walks on the beach too. I'm hopeful that one day they will find my tumor and life can go back to just fibromyalgia 😆
You have such a wonderful attitude and Outlook on life in light of all that you are going through right now. That is so admirable! Reading what you wrote, there is a saying that comes to mind: those who are grateful can find comfort in everything. Those who complain can find comfort in nothing. You remind me of that. You are grateful and you have found comfort. You are an inspiration. I also strive to have the same outlook on life, no matter what it throws at me. Thank you for sharing.
Hugs! 🫂 🤗
Wow, what a highest form of a compliment, thank you! I chose to be a warrior, a survivor. This is the hand (cards) I'm given, and the one I must play. It's my choice the attitude I carry with hand I have.

Please know it took me A LOT of time and work to get to this place! An amazing counselor and physiatrist. Weed has helped too lol. Finally getting my diagnosis of TIO was a relief. I knew all that I was feeling, and my rapid decline wasn't just fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression. I'm so greatful I had a seizure last May, that is when we started moving towards finding out what else is wrong.

I have so many wish I can..., would be great to..., I miss.... and frustration moments. It's no all rainbows and sunshine. I do the best I can do to make it the best it can be. Here is the part that I can choose, my attitude and appreciation for what I have to appreciate. I can enjoy friends taking photos when traveling and hiking, or even some bring me along on the phone. I can enjoy the beautiful nature looking back over my photos, beautiful nature youtube videos and documentaries. I can still enjoy it with the hand I'm holding.

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