ZEN Herbal Liniment, Australia

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Senior member
Aug 1, 2023
I don't know that I have much pain with fibro, but I do get bad pain when I sleep the wrong way, I figure a pinched nerve.

I was staying with a friend who uses Zen Herbal Liniment, ( have a search for it) but it may only be available in Australia.

I found it relieved the pain amazingly quickly, so I am mentioning it here on the off chance it may help others. As with anything, I'd check with a chemist or doctor as it may react with medications. It is an herbal mix.
Zen Herbal Liniment
I'm always interested which part of such a combination might be the most useful and potentially problematic.
There are reviews about their potential for pain, wounds etc., but no good studies as yet.
The contents still sound good to me, worth trying. The "ZEN" brand name is used as they are Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM herbs.
What might cause a problem for my/our skin or system are the mint oil and the cajeput/cajuput oil.

Availability is probably mainly from Australia, but also once UK and several times from Canada - but much more expensive.
We can see that best by using eBay, cos amz filters things like foreign products and things they don't want people to find so they can sell their own stuff better.
What we can always do is note the contents and try to find products from different brands.
martinandpleasance lists and describes them well, truewoo describes them too, but no easy list.

Or we just look for TCM herb mixes for pain.
I forgot to add your names to the above post :giggle:
When we aren't backlogged reading and answering we look at all "new posts" up left anyway, so no worry... 👐
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Yes indeed, one can be allergic to an ingredient for sure. There are some herbals, although natural, can have adverse affects with some medications, hence my note to suggest individuals consult a chemist at least.

I heard of it years ago, an employee mentioned it as he was using it on a strain. Others found it worked to greater or lesser degrees, but this is the first time I think I have actually used it myself.

I have no idea if the company can ship it overseas, no idea how regulations go for the ingredients at all. It's around AU$20 for 100ml spray bottle, but it goes a long way. I don't know how that prices out against other products.
or my arthritis I use the good old goanna oil don't know if it will work for fibromyalgia have never tried it .
good old goanna oil
hahahaha when a child, I wouldn't go near it, as I thought it was squashed up goannas 😁😁😁

Being an Aussie, always worth a try of the ZEN, I have no idea if it works for fibro or not.

They knew how to make things years ago, like Rawleighs and Watkins. I know the Rawleighs is still around.
I am mentioning it here on the off chance it may help others.
Thankyou so much, bluebells (I always appreciate when a member puts a potential help down ) 🩷🙏🏻🩷
@johnsalmon, has goana salve been around for a very long time? (It's just the advertisement is giving me antique vibes) Ps I hope your new goes well and brings good things to you) ✨🎆✨
has goanna salve been around for a very long time?
its a old bush remedy I remember it as a child (70+ years ago) it would go back into the 1800's. Its is actually made from goanna's the belly fat is rendered down to the oil. I would hazard a guess that the aborigines used it years before white man - we also have emu oil which again is made from the emu - very high in omega. A lot of the aborigines bush medicine is now being used by average aussies.
know nothing about goannas, except we are losing them.
aborigines have been eating goanna for some 40,000 years and on my farm we had no shortages of them especially during bird nesting time - yellow-spotted goannas numbers in the Northern Territory are decreasing but that's due to the cane toad invasion. remember that fish oil is reddened down fat from the Salmon fish now that's one that may help with fibro

I know, the cane toad introduction has indeed proved disastrous, and the government wiped their hands of it.

It seems wrong to me to kill what's left of wildlife for pain relief though. I'm one of those that doesn't value humans as supremely important :)

I've often wondered where the fish oil comes from. I know krill is potentially being over fished, and apparently flax oil is even better than krill. Do you know anything about that?
It seems wrong to me to kill what's left of wildlife for pain relief though. I'm one of those that doesn't value humans as supremely important
I agree wholeheartedly with this. As an animal lover, and a person who feels animals should be treated with respect, I would never use this product myself.
apparently flax oil is even better than krill. Do you know anything about that?
linseed (flax) oil is high in omega however Some of the petroleum-based siccative compounds that are added to linseed oil to decrease the drying time are naptha, mineral spirits, and dipropylene glycol monomethyl.so one could not really call it natural actually I don't think they kill goannas to produce the oil any more they simply manufacture it chemically.

The majority of aborigine's medicine is produced from plants, roots and seeds maybe some where in those plants is the cure for fibromyalgia

Fish oil is derived from fatty fish like anchovies, mackerel, and salmon, while krill oil is derived from tiny crustaceans called Antarctic krill

Both fish oil and krill oil contain two types of omega-3s: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). However, the fatty acids in krill oil are structurally different than those in fish oil, and this may impact the way the body uses them

Zen herbal liniment has some ten plant chemicals all which seem to affect the blood ie increase it etc which would help to heal injury

Vitamin D is also being studied for its use in treating other conditions, including fibromyalgia, B1 has also shown relief from fibro when taken in larger doses ( vitamin B1 is water-soluble and therefore relatively non-toxic)

Its important to have fairly regular blood panels done to check for lower then normal levels of Vit B, D Mg etc and then if required take supplements to maintain their levels - this all has an effect on Fibromyalgia
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