Gone potty? Plants gardens and lawns .


Very helpful member
Oct 12, 2022
Just thought I’d start a thread that I enjoy and can distract me from pain for a bit. Do you like gardening?
I love it and to top it off last night i found Rambetta’s baby. she has moved into a palm tree out the back yard. At the bottom of the palm there are my banana trees . 🤭plenty to eat there. 😊
Wonderful pic! 👐
And now for me a brilliant thread, since I have gone potty since taking over our house garden from the neighbour under us a month or two ago. And cos of of having to slow down even more after the 3rd jab, and increasing mindfulness, the enjoyment of what's around me. And motivated by chance success bringing 2 "dead" balcony plants in September back to life and full blossom from October thru December...
It's over 30 years ago since I've done anything in any gardens, so it's re-discovering, first studying what's growing and what they seem to need, watching out for the first flowers of the year, a small blue one, and a tree with loads of small yellow blossoms, other flowers are shooting, probably like every year, but this year each is a new excitement. Some things I can and want to find out myself, but some I have to ask people in the know. Discovering & relishing bit by bit.
I love gardening had wonderfull gardens on the first farm (had plenty of water) second farm was too dry . Retired and moved into town setup rose gardens with old time roses but now cannot garden - the grandson came up and setup a pot/tub garden which are all the right heigth - so can plant some vegies and flowers - all the roses are now srub roses quite high and flower on mass. I have a ride on mower in the shed but can no longer do the lawns so have a nice man come and do the mowing etc. I miss being able to spend a day in the garden cutting back and planting etc hastimoto, essential tremor and fibro stop me doing most thing I would like to do in my old age.
Yes gardening jayCS was the first jobs Id get stuck into each day , not too much house work got done 🤭 and my lawn was my pride, not a weed or bindii . All hand pulled out as I am not a fan of chemicals. Specially since we had so many pets. I have been given a huge batch of African violets, a friend lost interest and now it’s my aim to get them all flourishing. I did buy another 15 hanging baskets last week so lots of tinkering planting out my cuttings.
Lucky here I am on the coast and get a good share of rain but we have plenty of rain water tanks and with my moms granny flat done and my son just about finished his we will get more tanks to collect the water, I hate seeing water going to waste.
I used to have roses but my goats seemed to enjoy them a lot more.
Though I too will get some garden beds in for veggies, but will wait till winter to get them built as it’s just way too hot.
The cicadas are screeching so load I can’t even hear my tinnitus 🤣.
I will still use my ride on occasionally but need to wear my neck brace , it helps alot.
Lovely day everyone.
I love being in the garden - so nice to plant seeds or bulbs and watch them grow - it's quite magical.

Our dahlia's and roses came up beautifully last year with new buds popping up and blooming with amazing colours. I'm protecting them from the frost for a while and hoping they do the same this year. :)
I love it when everything starts flowering . It’s beautiful to see I did that.
It’s rained most of the night and now it’s still raining. I can hear all the frogs that have taken up residence in the frog hotels I’ve got throughout my property. Sounds like a lovely chorus of my croak it louder than yours. That’s my favourite sound and puts a smile on my face .
a little TLC
First I read THC - that'd be plants going potty in another sense.... 🚬
Then I remembered the girlie RnB band - playing them some music? 🎶 Whether older RnB or Kelis' R&B...
That milk shake'd 💃 both be more for the male flowers.... 🕺 rather than the croakers & crooners....
A search tells me you might mean a TV programme, so yours watch telly, is that it? 📺
🧐 🕵️‍♂️ 😁
First I read THC - that'd be plants going potty in another sense.... 🚬
I think mine did go skunk potty ☹️. They got burnt up in the global warming historical freeze and now they'd make excellent kindling or skunk weed I suppose lol
That milk shake'd 💃 both be more for the male flowers...
Got to keep the males around for the sake of flowers!
A search tells me you might mean a TV programme, so yours watch telly, is that it? 📺
🧐 🕵️‍♂️ 😁
Lol well, they'd be watching Identity Theft (maybe Thief) with Melissa McCarthy. She sings songs in the car. My flowers don't watch TV. I think thry are too busy trying not to enjoy my attention 😂