Appetite, hungry one minute, appetite gone the next

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Senior member
May 16, 2017
Does anyone else have issues with like say in the morning im hungry, so im making my breakfast plus know i should eat because not eating isnt good.
This morning, was really hungry, made my breakfast, sat down at the table to eat it and my appetite evaporated into thin air and the thought of forcing it down makes me feel nauseous. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I have very similar issues, but I have never attributed them to fibromyalgia because they date from much earlier in my life.

I recommend that if this is a new thing, you go and get thoroughly checked out by a doctor because what you describe could be signs of a number of unpleasant things outside of fibro, and this is not something commonly reported by people with fibro.

I got everything checked out many many years ago and never found out why this happens to me, but for me it is not linked to FM.
Definitely not a new thing, has been happening pretty much since the FM symptoms start, loss of appetite is a side effect of some of the medications that i take, just frustrating, i really dont like wasting food! Or having gone to the effort of making breakfast(using some much needed spoons) and then not being able to eat it cus my appetite has disappeared. Granted on these days i have two four legged friends thats think its Christmas when this happens.
Yup, have to agree with Sunkacola.. not a typical FM thing...
that said, i have never been much for eating breakfast - even in my teens.. just the thought of food first thing in the morning is.. ick.
medication side effects are a reasonable line of thought.. but yeah.. might be worth talking to your doc about it.

I do have days when i dont want to eat at all.. but I also know I need to, so i do make myself eat something - just not first thing in the morning, LOL

and love the furbabies!!! especially the speckled fella.. beautiful! and who doesn't love a Lab??

my beastie... love her to death.. even if she is a bit trying now and then, LOL


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I have never been a huge eater to start with. I have discussed this with doc so he is aware of it, and i dont fluctuate in weight hugely nor do i get light headedness when i havent eaten, its purely just almost ive gone past the point hungry and now im just not. its not just a breakfast thing, i have days where i can get to the end of the day without eating as i just haven't been hungry. I have the same issues at night, if i haven't had dinner before 630 7 i don't end up eating as my appetite is gone. I believe its more of a going past the point of hungry and then im just not hungry anymore. This is not something my docs worried about more just an annoying side effect of meds, both tramadol and codeine are guilty of loss of appetite as a side effect, and my lack of appetite is definitely more noticeable on a bad pain day when i have needed more pain medication and also my personal inclination that im just not a big eater.
and love the furbabies!!! especially the speckled fella.. beautiful! and who doesn't love a Lab??
they are the best, labrador is the cruiziest wee gal, her name is Duchess(for those that have seen the kids movie the Aristocats will get the joke), and Patch my speckled boy is the most affectionate and loving dog i have ever encountered. He is a blue heeler crossed with a german shorthaired pointer so is a very intelligent wee guy which can make for a very trying guy at times.
they are both great looking dogs. I kinda wondered what the speckled one was - heeler & pointer.. yeah, you have your hands full with that guy, LOL

my Diamond - I call her my "Diamond in the Ruff" - was adopted at the local shelter - she was 2 when we got her, and she was a definite handful.. she pushed boundaries like there were none.. came very close to taking her back a couple of times.. but we stuck it out, and she finally settled down... now she wishes she was a lap dog, lol (a little big for that at 70lbs tho) she is also just a tiny bit spoiled, lol, she has her very own Winnie the Pooh blankie.


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Yea i get loads of compliments on Patch, he is a very unique and beautiful looking dog, but definitely a handful!!

She certainly looka quite smitten in her bed with blanket 🥰
Does anyone else have issues with like say in the morning im hungry, so im making my breakfast plus know i should eat because not eating isnt good.
This morning, was really hungry, made my breakfast, sat down at the table to eat it and my appetite evaporated into thin air and the thought of forcing it down makes me feel nauseous. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Hi Hope23,

Yeah I have the same thing. I can go a day without eating as well. I won't even notice it.

I pre-make meals, so that when I'm hungry I can just eat.

For breakfasts smoothies, chia pudding, overnight oats etc.

If I'm really not hungry then heated bone broth.

I have GI issues along with my FM diagnosis. They don't know what is causing what for me. My weight has stayed the same, so my body is balancing itself and I'm not vitamin deficient.

I try to stay on a schedule. So, at least I'm getting tea or bone broth at the times I'd ordinarily eat.

I have tried the force feed method and I will actually get sick, so it hasn't worked for me.

Keep us posted
Hi Hope23,

Yeah I have the same thing. I can go a day without eating as well. I won't even notice it.

I pre-make meals, so that when I'm hungry I can just eat.

For breakfasts smoothies, chia pudding, overnight oats etc.

If I'm really not hungry then heated bone broth.

I have GI issues along with my FM diagnosis. They don't know what is causing what for me. My weight has stayed the same, so my body is balancing itself and I'm not vitamin deficient.

I try to stay on a schedule. So, at least I'm getting tea or bone broth at the times I'd ordinarily eat.

I have tried the force feed method and I will actually get sick, so it hasn't worked for me.

Keep us posted
Hi Zahnj,

I think my biggest thing is i hate wasting food(and wasting the energy to make it) to then not be able to eat, i always have plenty of snacks with me, usually protein bars(full size and snack size) and i always keep some nut mixture on me so that when i am hungry i have something i can eat straight away. I almost always cook more than i plan to eat so that i can put the leftovers into the freezer for ready meals.
Maybe its just me but ive also got a few foods that whether im hungry or not i can usually eat so i make sure i have those on me or in the house aswell because i know they're a sure thing.
Definitely not losing or even really fluctuating weight wise so not worried from that perspective, its more the frustration and the wasting of food.

The force feed method is definitely not for me, i end up just chewing the food for way too long cus i cant force myself to swallow it.
Some gorgeous four legged friends, they really do raise your spirits. I miss my Tess, a Jack Russell. My brother's bichon frise, Buddy is a lovable character. Strangely I stopped eating breakfast a few years ago and it doesn't bother me anymore.

If I'm really not hungry then heated bone broth.
That is a very good idea.
I just went and put "bone broth" on my shopping list. :)
(I know you can make your own but I'd rather not)
I just went and put "bone broth" on my shopping list. :)
Hehe, it's yogurt that does the trick for me :) - like these last weeks after tooth treatments, almond (or soy) yogurt with apple sauce.
I eat yogurt daily and give a little to my dogs as well.
I find myself unable to eat at times and at those times bone broth would be perfect because I can drink something even if I can't eat. (stomach problems of whatever kind it is....unknown). Breakfast is often a smoothie and you can put a lot of good things into one of those.

Hard to gain weight, as I badly need to do, if you don't feel like eating. I tried a couple of those weight gain drinks but they are truly repugnant to me, so much sugar in them I couldn't drink them at all. (my reaction was something like bleah :) ) They'd be good for someone who really liked super sweet things, though. Although I don't know how healthy they really are.

Not being able to gain badly needed weight has made me more understanding about people who find it so hard to lose weight. I have never in my life felt judgmental towards people who weigh a lot (it's healthier to be a bit overweight than under and I think people look better if they are not so thin and why do people think that more weight is necessarily bad? ), but I never really got how hard it is if your body just doesn't want to do it. You'd think a person could just eat more and gain weight, or eat fattening things but it turns out it's not that easy. People think you can just eat less and exercise more and you will lose weight...not that easy for a lot of people. It's really very similar.
these days, i seem to be on the weight gain side of things.. like, just looking at something from the dessert tray causes me to gain 2lbs 😔
i managed to stay about the same weight for more than 25-30 yrs.. then, when i hit 50, it slowly started creeping upward.. even tho nothing else in my life had changed..
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