Introducing - The How Are You Project

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***For people with non-physical disabilities and chronic illnesses in the UK***​


“The How Are You Project” runs as short, group or one to one workshop sessions on Zoom.
  • The project is a safe space to creatively explore how we navigate answering “how are you?”
  • Participants (and facilitator) include people with a wide range of non-visible disabilities.
  • Participation is free - attend as little or as much as you like.
  • The project is founded and facilitated by Laura Rees, previously an actor for 20 years in London’s West-End, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Royal National theatre, BBC, ITV.
  • The development of this project is funded by the Arts Council of England.
  • For more detailed information or to share your interest please contact Laura at (email address)


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@Laura79 - i do have a quick question for you.. is it absolutely necessary to have a webcam to attend a session?
i live in a very rural area, and as such, my internet access is not the best... no DSL, cable or anything like that.. speed is actually quite slow by current standards - better than dialup, for sure, but not by a lot, LOL
@Laura79 - i do have a quick question for you.. is it absolutely necessary to have a webcam to attend a session?
i live in a very rural area, and as such, my internet access is not the best... no DSL, cable or anything like that.. speed is actually quite slow by current standards - better than dialup, for sure, but not by a lot, LOL
Hey @cookiebaker. No it is not necessary – it certainly helps for the group sessions to create trust in the group, so perhaps sharing your face at the start would do that – and then switching off your camera after that. I always encourage participants to participate in a way that works for them, that's really important – and access to tech is very much included in that. One-to-one sessions is also an option, which could simply be done as a phone call. I'm still in the process of designing the sessions – but I feel strongly that everyone should participate in a way that works for them. I hope that answers your question? Keep them coming! ;)
Thank you for that info, @Laura79 - kind of a relief, really, lol
i would be fine using a static picture, if that would help others... but I tried Zoom once with a friend that is only a few hundred miles away - it did not go well, lol I can just imagine the issues trying to stay connected with a group, or even one on one, that is several thousand miles away, LOL
Thank you for that info, @Laura79 - kind of a relief, really, lol
i would be fine using a static picture, if that would help others... but I tried Zoom once with a friend that is only a few hundred miles away - it did not go well, lol I can just imagine the issues trying to stay connected with a group, or even one on one, that is several thousand miles away, LOL
@cookiebaker dont worry at all - we will find a workaround with either working in a group or one-to-one. :)
Hi there! Sessions for The How Are You Project have been going really well - there is another group session on the 17th of December, and then I will be continuing one-to-one sessions through January. Please DM me if you would like more details! TY
@Auriel's "How Are you today" thread reminded me of this one for more appropriately posting something I just experienced, cos I didn't actually get to answer that question someone asked me...:

So a few hours ago a retired colleague saw me and we only had a few minutes, but he did ask the How are you? question and then pressed for time sort of answered it himself: You look really great, just like when I first met you.... He was a complicated person, but in this case I could easily & gladly take it as:
I know you've got a lot on your plate and can hardly work, but all the same you seem cheerful and positive, and that's good, keep it up.
Then I came home and my wife said: I think you're doing too much, your face is pale and your lips are white, please be careful. Which was again sort of good for the self-care to hear, as it's true.
But I've just eaten which has made my lips redder, so now I can be naughty again, tee-hee 😄, I'm off to overdo it a bit...
I know, for every person that tells you look well there's always one that tells you opposite 🤣
I would totally do the same thing. Perhaps just putting up emojis over and over 😆
Please don't suggest this. The delay is there for a reason. Have patience.
A person who kept putting up emojis in order to reach the necessary number of posts would likely be viewed with suspicion and may find it takes even longer.
Please don't suggest this. The delay is there for a reason. Have patience.
A person who kept putting up emojis in order to reach the necessary number of posts would likely be viewed with suspicion and may find it takes even longer.
I would delete my joke-gone-awry but that's yet impossible 😑. Feel free to delete it if it's helpful.
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