Reporting Posts - Happy Community

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Feb 4, 2013

As a reminder to our lovely members, our goal on the forums is to be helpful, supportive and positive. We want our forum to be welcoming and appreciated.

Being open minded and friendly would definitely be bonus points :)

In order to ensure the site remains helpful and friendly I wanted to bring it to everyone's attention that as a member you can assist in keeping our forum supportive.

If you see an offensive post, spam, non-authoritative link, obvious advertising, a troll, or someone just being down right nasty for no apparent reason please take the minute to "REPORT POST". Myself or another volunteer staff will review the REPORTED POST and take appropriate action such as speaking with the individual, removing the post, or banning the user.

Thanks for your help and feel free to leave your feedback.

The attached images below will show you were the report post button is located (beside each and every post).


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This is great advice.
It is often so tempting to answer with an equally nasty or mean post, but in doing so it lowers the good standards of the forum and sets you up to be the victim of harassment. So just REPORT any such comments and then move on in the topic conversation with other members.

As a Member your best defense is silence, by not responding or acknowledging any nasty or mean posts.

But remember also, we might get new members with sight problems or speech defects, or mental difficulties that may cause them to write differently then most or spell words wrong. Please give everyone an equal chance to express themselves. No labeling or calling names is necessary. As this can lead to loss of new or older members or cause hurt feelings, or start unwanted harassment. Treat others as you would want to be treated, by being kind and thoughtful, and understanding.

This forum is a safe wonderful place to share the struggles of living with fibromalgia, lets work together, as David, has suggested, to keep it that way. :)
Thanks. I didn't even notice the "report post" option. I would have used that in a few instances in the recent past. I'll have to follow that policy in the future.
I am asking all members to not post links to other websites. If you have new information that you wish to share then research it and then post the things you have learned about the subject. Any additional information each person can comment about to add to the topic will be of help to the community. This way we all stay safe and are not misled or redirected to unsafe sites.

Remember, adding links to your posts will only cause them to be edited out or your posts will be deleted. We can not allow one link without allowing all links. So No links are allowed!

Thank you for understanding. :)
Let's try to keep this at the top of the page so all members get a chance to read it and understand how things work.

Hope everyone has a very good day!
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