Wow @JayCS, that’s a detailed regimen you have to follow 🫤 are you pretty certain it is water-related then? Like if you avoid water you wouldn’t have these problems?
I started wondering if mine was water related but since then I broke out in huge hives/welts on my stomach and back. The shower...
Been a weird little ride with itching/allergies and it’s got me wondering what the chances are that fibro is causing my hands and feet to itch (and occasionally other things). Suspected that it was a soap but the itching continues even after I stopped using.
I don't know how I missed these replies but here we are 😂 jammies are pajamas but some people (not me usually) call them jammies. It's sort of an affectionate way to refer to pajamas...
Okay confession, I can't remember why I wrote that line 😬 I don't know if I was falling asleep and...
I was thinking yours was so touching (I hadn’t read it until after I wrote mine) and I really didn’t need to say anything after you 😂. I know it’s reassuring when someone knows you’ve got experience in the field and I’d be happy to share what I know from that perspective. Could you copy and...
Hi Rylee, I’m not real clear on what pain you are experiencing. The pain I get lying down is restless leg syndrome. Iron supplements helped but also caused extreme swelling. What I found works better in managing the pain with no side effects is over the counter Arnicare (that brand is the one...
Hi Nicky. I wish we could all give you a hug right now 😞 how you are feeling is something I can relate to and I’m here to tell you there are some things that you can do which will help you manage fibro. Sunkacolas post was amazingly helpful to me. I have 2 other things that can help ease the...
Sun is right. It might be something unrelated that is important to identify.
In response to the specific question you posed: I get a burning pain but it largely stays in my head, face, shoulders and back and feels just below my skin surface like I have an internal sunburn...
Hi Ashlyn, Just checking in to say hi. I read this thread and I’m glad you shared - it’s helped me.
I’m glad to hear that you’ve stopped trying to educate some people. It’s not an easy transition to make to go from doing everything you can to maintain friendships and then realizing another...
Hello and welcome to the forum :)
Given that the vax exacerbated symptoms (you are definitely not the first FM bearer noticing that) a vax detox regimen might turn back the clock and may even get you better than you were before.
There are a few good vax detox regimens and they generally...
I can definitely imagine this moment! It sounds like when the doctor told me that I had FM and I realized that for 10 years I had been blaming my husband for the pain he caused when he hit points 🫣. The dr laughed so hard when I told her 😂. Good thing I wasn’t mean to my husband about it or...