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  • Hi Sarafina,
    I am new as well. So don't know how much help I would be LOL. I know when I have left a post about something if anyone else does I then get an email that show this. But I just happened to check the user CP and saw your message. So hope you get this too lol. I'm not sure why it wont come up on the main feed we posted on. I will mess around and see if I can figure it out. I saw where you are going to an acupuncturist, hope it goes well and he didn't mean he doesn't believe its real but that it doesn't matter what you have he can work on it. Let me know how things go. And if you're not happy don't worry there are plenty of people who do understand out there and I'm sure you will find someone. It sometimes does take a while to find people to help but, I do believe more and more health care workers are believing it is a real condition.
    Good luck and keep me up to date .. it really helps having someone to talk with that understands.
    Hello lloue! I am having trouble getting around this site, but I tracked back to a response that you had left for me in "Feel Dead". Problem is that it doesn't come up on the main feed that we were posting on. Can you help me? What am I doing wrong? I have posted a few times and can't see them. I'm not even sure I'll know how to recheck this to see if you got my message. LOL Welcome to the forum, I hope this works well once I figure out how to communicate :-)
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