Recent content by johnsalmon

  1. J

    More evidence showing fibromyalgia is an auto-immune response and does not originate in the brain

    they are not saying that it causes fibromyalgia but that as the injection point is into muscle there might be muscle pain ( myalgia) but this is usually short lived. I am still of the belief that fibromyalgia is a CNS condition - and that does not equate to its "all in the brain"
  2. J

    Tens unit for Fibro?

    bit hard to answer - if the pain is actually in the muscle then maybe yes - however if the pain is not in the muscle but in the brain ie the brain is perceiving that the muscle had been hurt in some way but does not send a pain signal down to the muscle then a tens will have no effect - bit like...
  3. J

    different life style now

    a muscle biopsy would not be any value fore fibromyalgia as although there is pain felt in the muscle it is simply an incorrect pain responds from the CNS ie pain where no reason for pain exists
  4. J

    different life style now

    I have always found Russian people very much the same as me when I have visited Russia and now as a Ham radio Operator I still find that we have similar ethic etc
  5. J

    different life style now

    I disagree -causes are not as yet known for fibromyalgia - two current thinking's are a CNS disorder or an autoimmune disease what you are describing in detail is not fibromyalgia but Somatic symptom disorder Somatic symptom disorder is diagnosed when a person has a significant focus on...
  6. J

    different life style now

    English " You are right, the reason is in the central nervous system, but somatoform disorders arise from problems in the central nervous system. As my doctor F. said, this is a complex mental, neurological disorder. It often occurs as a reaction to stress and as a reaction to a somatic disease...
  7. J

    different life style now

    current thinking is it a CNS condition however some consider it a autoimmune diseases. I am more leaning to a CNS disease as most research does The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, emphasizes these points in the...
  8. J

    different life style now

    disagree fibromyalgia may indeed bring on depression but it is not a somatoform disease.
  9. J

    How are you today?

    it is available at Tesco's, Sainbury's and I would say most chemists you can get them as Effervescent Tablets, powder or normal tablets do a search for "Berocca UK "
  10. J

    How are you today?

    back in the day of Linus Pauling his advise was to take over a 1000 units of Vit C a day - not because we needed that much of Vit C but because to actually work out how much you needed you would need regular blood panel test - his advise was based on taking that much the body would use what it...