Recent content by JamieMarc

  1. JamieMarc

    Face moisturizer that won't cause skin flare ups?

    @NClady @sunkacola It lasts me such a long time (months) because, like I said, I only have to use a 1/2-pea size amount at most. I love how thin it is, like it's not even there, but its action is very noticeable and effective. I pay about $14 at Walmart or close to that on Amazon, whichever is...
  2. JamieMarc

    Face moisturizer that won't cause skin flare ups?

    I suffer from frequent acne due to testosterone replacement therapy; the "invisible" beneath the skin type, sore to the touch, as you describe. I have used various products over the years in my daily face care regimen. Moisturizing is a must in addition to cleansers formulated for acne-prone...
  3. JamieMarc

    Help me explain to friends why I often cancel plans

    I think that you answered your own question. The way to explain it to them is exactly the way you did. Be frank and honest. Tell it like it is. I am sorry to say that if your friends cannot accept that, what kinds of friends are they? The last thing that you need is more stress in your life...
  4. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    @sunkacola Like you, the effect for me is not what I'd call significant, either, but I can tell it does make a subtle difference. I'm going to stick with it, it my intuition, as well, but also I believe magnesium to be one of the supplements every person with FMS should be taking...
  5. JamieMarc

    New here and newly diagnosed

    Welcome also, @galp23 Glad you found us. Glad you're here!
  6. JamieMarc

    New here and newly diagnosed

    Welcome @Matilda You've come to the right place: the BEST fibromyalgia forum on the planet. You'll find a wealth of information exploring the different forums and topics. The search tool is also a great feature to employ. How you explain FMS to others is a personal choice. Best case scenario...
  7. JamieMarc

    Pain meds and fibromyalgia

    @Ian waxman High five ✋ and hugs 🫂, Ian. You're smart, you're strong, you're will get through this!
  8. JamieMarc

    Pain meds and fibromyalgia

    @Ian waxman You are not responsible for your addiction. You are only responsible for your recovery. You did what you needed and felt you had to do at the time. Please remember that and take comfort in it. I have been reading your posts about your journey to recovery and you're suffering, and...
  9. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    @sunkacola I'm looking forward to hearing what results you have with the magnesium oil. I have modified my application to three sprays at bedtime and another three sprays sometime in the morning after I've had some coffee. I have found that three to four sprays is plenty for me, probably...
  10. JamieMarc

    So exhausted

    Thank you @SBee 😊 I have up to 6 months within which to get the 2nd jab, so I think I shall wait until after the holidays. 😁
  11. JamieMarc

    Has anyone tried acupuncture

    @Kitkat57 the only things that I can recommend that are not prescription drugs for sleep are magnesium and melatonin. But since I am not familiar at all with what you currently take, please do your research first and check for interactions. I could probably come up with some more, but these...
  12. JamieMarc

    So exhausted

    @sunkacola @SBee I am 58 and my doctor told me it's time for me to get my shingles vaccination. That was back in June. So I went into the pharmacy and got both my flu vaccination and my shingles vaccine at the same time. I was sick with flu-like symptoms for about 3 days. I've never had a...
  13. JamieMarc

    Hoping to Volunteer

    @sunkacola Thank you for your kind words. Florida is beautiful, it's my home state and we've been here 8 generations. I've thought about moving, but then I realize every place has it's own weather disasters or other downfalls. Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, etc. And for me, cold...
  14. JamieMarc

    Hoping to Volunteer

    I've been disabled, initially due to another condition other then FMS, since 2010. I was approved for SSDI the same year, and have been disabled since, although now more due to FMS. About 10 years ago, I started looking for part-time work to supplement my SSDI fixed income and contribute to my...
  15. JamieMarc

    I found a cure! CBD oils

    I would, too @sunkacola I suspect that it would be a small percentage.
  16. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    Awesome @sunkacola Thank you so much! 😊
  17. JamieMarc

    I found a cure! CBD oils

    Thank you for your great post @Jeremy I'm just going to say ditto to everything you wrote. I am of the same mind as you, and to answer your question I was abused as a child and do suffer from anxiety and PTSD, and have also suffered from depression on and off throughout the years. Like you, I...
  18. JamieMarc

    Any natural remedies for dry eyes?

    @thparker13 I never heard of gel drops. Can you please provide the brand and name of these drops? Thank you.
  19. JamieMarc

    Any brand recommendation for B12 sublingual drops?

    @Radmun Will do. 😁
  20. JamieMarc

    Any brand recommendation for B12 sublingual drops?

    Thank you @Frizzybee I will try the vitacost brand as I do know them to be reputable. You say these are sublingual tablets correct? I'm curious to know if you have ever tried the drops, and if so, have you found the drops or the tablets to be more effective or the same?
  21. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    Thanks, sunkacola. I had forgotten about the tincture you told me about earlier. Remember, the vape was too hard for me to dose plus putting that in my lungs. Bad. Got both on my list now. :) How do you apply the rub on your back by yourself? Just the spots you can reach I guess? Like maybe the...
  22. JamieMarc

    Effective pain med on horizon?

    @sunkacola when do you go to the pain clinic? I'm really hoping that they will listen to you, take you very seriously as you deserve to be, and help you get the medication that you need. Cuz you're absolutely right. Pain in itself is also absolutely exhausting! Like you being stuck in your bed...
  23. JamieMarc

    Effective pain med on horizon?

    @Ian waxman Hugs, bro! If fentanyl, at whatever minimum dose works to give you functionality and some quality of life, I say go for it. If the alternative is suicide, being laid up in bed for the rest of your life, constant, persistent agony....screw all the addiction hype! Pain meds CAN be...
  24. JamieMarc

    Has anyone tried acupuncture

    Acupuncture is on my wish list to try someday. I've identified a few practitioners in my area, but that's about as far as I have gotten. Sometime next year I will give it a shot, and thank you for letting me know that one should give it several sessions.
  25. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    @sunkacola Checking out the CBD for Life page, I'm guessing you use the original rub. However, you mentioned in another post that you prefer a rub with THC. This product doesn't contain THC. Can you help me understand: do you use a CBD topical with THC? Does THC make more more effective pain...
  26. JamieMarc

    I found a cure! CBD oils

    @Jeremy @sunkacola I wanted to ask both of you what parts of your body do you apply the oil or the rub? I assume it should be applied to the specific area of pain. And if that is the case, I wonder what is the best method to get it onto your back if you have no one to do it for you?
  27. JamieMarc

    I found a cure! CBD oils

    Great news @Jeremy What is the name of the CBD oil product(s) that you used?
  28. JamieMarc

    Fibromyalgia Clinics

    I had not heard of these either, but I sure do wish there was one here in the Tampa Bay area. I do know we have a Mayo clinic in Jacksonville, but that's much too far for me to travel. And I'm not sure that insurance would cover the expenses. Heck, I would travel out of state if I knew insurance...
  29. JamieMarc

    Advice needed and appreciated…

    Ugh! People can be so clueless, ignorant. How can anyone be so stupid as to think that they can judge a book, much less a person, by it's "cover." Seriously! I don't get the "you look fine" comment so much, but I do get those people who complain or "confide" to me about their awful pain. That...
  30. JamieMarc

    Picture Taken at Fibromyalgia Annual Retreat

    LOL 😁😂🤣 Where are the tumbleweeds?
  31. JamieMarc

    Effective pain med on horizon?

    @30 plus years I suspect it has to do with whatever state you live in. Each state has their own laws, statutes, regulation, blah blah blah about controlled substances, and opioids in particular. I'm in Florida. We are probably somewhere in the middle of the strictest and most liberal states when...
  32. JamieMarc

    Advice needed and appreciated…

    You make a very good point. I don't want to be part of the problem, but part of the solution of this ingrained stigma about disabled individuals and disabilities. Perhaps I need to change my own paradigm about this topic. Thanks for helping me see this in a new and healthy way!
  33. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    You're welcome @sunkacola and I hope it gives you some relief. 🙏
  34. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    @sunkacola The CBD rub you it the CBD for Life you told me about previously?
  35. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    @30 plus years I am going to make a note of this and not do anything that could be harmful to whatever is going on with me until after I have some kind of understanding/diagnosis from my doctor. I know the warmth would feel wonderful but, as you said, if there is inflammation I think it could be...
  36. JamieMarc

    stress and Fibro

    @SBee Thank you so much for your kind, affirming words! They mean so much to me. Truly! And I'M sending YOU one of YOUR famous hugs right back atcha! If I am honest with myself, and I always strive to be, I don't think that deep down I FULLY accept I am worthy...yet. At the same time, I know...
  37. JamieMarc

    Any brand recommendation for B12 sublingual drops?

    I like the extra energy vitamin B12 gives me in my energy drink, but I don't want the artificial sweetener and I have had zero luck finding an energy drink with B12 and no artificial sweeteners or sugar. Soooo, I want to take a sublingual B12 supplement, but I need some recommendations for a...
  38. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    @30 plus years Also, thank you for the info on targeting specific pain sites. I wasn't sure that magnesium oil would work that way, but a little bit of research seems to back up your advice. @sunkacola I just stripped my bed for sheet-washing day and noticed NO staining at all on my sheets or...
  39. JamieMarc

    Advice needed and appreciated…

    @SBee well you came to the right place because I don't like the word disabled for myself either. I prefer to use the word differently-abled. 😁❤️
  40. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    @30 plus years what does the hot paraffin wax do for your hands? Would it work for me? I wake up every morning with very stiff, swollen hands and fingers, and also at night. I even had and still have some residual trigger finger. It's all very painful, and I'm wondering if paraffin wax would...
  41. JamieMarc

    Any natural remedies for dry eyes?

    I too suffer from dry eyes. I use over the counter eye drops for lubrication at least twice a day. I have found the Equate brand lubricating drops for dry eyes to be the best for me, and a bonus is that they are among the most affordable eye drops available. I'm not aware of any natural...
  42. JamieMarc

    stress and Fibro

    I have come to the conclusion and I completely concur that much of my own pain is due to a hyperactive stress response. I believe that it plays a major role in my pain and why I have fibromyalgia. This is why I embrace only those things that bring me joy, peace and happiness. I was not like that...
  43. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    @30 plus years I looked at the bottle last night after @sunkacola asked about staining since it's an oil. Lo and behold, I was surprised and happy to find that it actually contains no oil. The only two ingredients are water and magnesium. That would explain why it rinses with just plain water...
  44. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    @SBee Please let us know what you find out about the topical magnesium interaction with your arthritis med. It may be something useful to know should I ever start on an arthritis med besides the acetaminophen I already take.
  45. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    I forgot to check my sheets, but when I made the bed this morning I didn't notice anything. I had that same concern and asked the question before purchasing, but never got a response. Honestly, though, I don't think it will stain sheets or clothing. It absorbs so well. It doesn't feel oily or...
  46. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    I just spoke to my sister the other day (she has rheumatoid arthritis), and she is taking both of those meds as well. I asked her because of my own hand issues. I was curious what she was taking in preparation for my own next visit to my arthritis doctor. I fear that I have RA as well as my OA...
  47. JamieMarc

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    This is true for me as well. It has been one of my top priorities, and still is, to find someone who loves and needs me, and I him. It's so important to me, and something I am working on in therapy. When I have someone special, they bring out the best in me and I feel so much better mentally...
  48. JamieMarc

    Advice needed and appreciated…

    I keep a daily to-do list myself. Have been doing so for years now...about the time fibrofog set in. LOL. I use Google Tasks everyday. BUT, if I have many BIG projects, I always make sure I only have one in progress because much more will get done if I focus on ONE big project at a time. I used...
  49. JamieMarc

    Effective pain med on horizon?

    @Ian waxman This is exactly why I keep on seeing specialists, continuing with imaging and blood testing, etc...why I don't give up searching for an answer for my own pain. Because I am reliant upon pain medication myself -- not as strong as fentanyl -- and I don't want to be reliant upon it...
  50. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    I tried the magnesium oil spray last night at bedtime for the first time. I applied 2 sprays to each arm, 3 sprays to each leg and tried to rub some on my lower back. I also already take magnesium capsules at bedtime, 300mg. Here was my initial experience just for expediency to those who have...
  51. JamieMarc

    Advice needed and appreciated…

    @SBee OMG, me too. Always pushing myself, sometimes too hard, but I DON'T thank myself and I really should! I really need to get into the habit of showing myself more appreciation -- the same appreciation I would show anyone else who did something for me. Thank you for reminding me of this. 🫂 🩷
  52. JamieMarc

    Advice needed and appreciated…

    @Melissa47 forgot to say that, as far as the bigger projects go, you will accomplish much more if you focus on one thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself with multiple big projects at once.
  53. JamieMarc

    Advice needed and appreciated…

    Hi @Melissa47 So I was interested in your post because having a clean somewhat tidy space has always been important to me for mental health reasons. Just like @sunkacola said, it has a positive effect upon my mental health and it also, oddly enough, gives me satisfaction. There are some chores I...
  54. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    @sunkacola I ordered the ancient minerals brand. I did my research and they are a reputable company. They have a website, but I found that it was cheaper for me to order through Amazon since I have a prime account, no shipping cost. I decided to start with the 4 oz smallest bottle. I will let...
  55. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    @30 plus years thanks for your reply. It does help a lot. My only problem is I have nobody to spray it on my back and rub it in, because I really wanted to use it there as well. But maybe I can get creative and find some way. I appreciate your feedback and I'm looking forward to see what it...