Recent content by Harpy

  1. Harpy

    I'm going to do something I never do.....

    Your welcome, i kept forgetting too, so where i place my phone at night i left a note under it to remind myself to unblock her in the morning. She has asked me why I didn’t reply ? I told her I put phone on silent when I go to bed. This is so very true. This is why I must leave my phone on...
  2. Harpy

    I'm going to do something I never do.....

    Sunkacola, I totally get you here. I have a friend I have known since kindergarten in 1970. Now she has been made redundant she is up all night. I too need my phone on 24/7 , mainly for my mom if she needs me. But my friend Starts messaging me from midnight 🤦🏻‍♀️ so all I do now is block her...
  3. Harpy

    CBD for Fibro?

    Oh you got that right, nothing seemed to help my fibro pain. I do have complicated spine issues and the anti inflammatory meds help some what, I have got the most relief from the prednisone I take each morning for my polymyalgia and mm oil.
  4. Harpy

    Any natural remedies for dry eyes?

    Yes I have most of the Biotene products. The toothpaste is good too. That’s what the eye gel I have does, really blurs up the vision for quite a while, so I generally stick to the halo-forte drops. Get pretty much instant relief if I lift eye lids and roll my eyes around, spreads it quick.
  5. Harpy

    Any natural remedies for dry eyes?

    Oh yes this is horrible as is the dry mouth, I find it hard to control at night as it wakes me. I have on a couple occasions woken with my eye lid stuck to my eye ball, them when I open my eye it rips a layer off my eye and I end up with an ulcer, oh that’s cruel. I use hylo-forte drops, they...
  6. Harpy

    diagnosed and don't know what to do now, 23F

    Good luck Ian. Took me 7 months of hell , something I won’t ever use again. I do agree They didn’t help after a few months so we just kept upping them each month.