Hi! I have had Fibromyalgia since age 34 and I started having night sweats at age 37. My doctor said I was too young for menopause, but it seems the Fibromyalgia may not have read that book! I suffered until age 44 when the night sweats finally stopped, along with my migraines, and all the...
Harpy - Have you tried Biotene rinse for your dry mouth? IMO, it is sickeningly sweet, but it does seem to work, and it is supposed to prevent cavities too. The alcohol in most eye drops is too drying for me, so I use Bausch and Lomb Sooth XP eye drops. You do have to make sure you do not need...
I agree with a previous poster who said people who don't have Fibro can't really understand what it is like to have constant, grinding pain. When I describe the muscle pain to doctors, I usually say it feels like the Jolly Green Giant is standing on my shoulders digging his toes into them. I...
Hi SBee,
It was the thyroid symptoms that caused me to have to stop working and lose my home to foreclosure. They refused to treat me for it because I was "borderline". It took seeing a Naturopathic MD, who took one look at my lab results and put me on natural thyroid. It helped with...