Recent content by EmmaJ89

  1. E

    Only just been diagnosed

    Today has been a bad day with such lack of sleep last night, I do find my pain is unbearable when I’m tired so I have made myself stay in bed today and just rest. I’m a lot better now thankfully. It’s a vicious circle sometimes, I need sleep to feel better and have less pain yet the insomnia or...
  2. E

    Only just been diagnosed

    If I sit on the sofa, because it’s lower, I sometimes can’t get back up again without help. The pain is ridiculous, I use cushions and tried different positions but nothings helping. It’s like I have no muscles or strength. I love a really hot bath but can’t get in and out of the bath anymore...
  3. E

    Only just been diagnosed

    Thank you! I’m definitely open to any suggestions from people to try and help manage the pain. I will try anything at this point and hopefully discover what ends up working for me. My biggest issue at the moment is my pain is mostly in my hips and legs, every time I go to stand up it just feels...
  4. E

    Only just been diagnosed

    Thank you for your kind words. Xx
  5. E

    Only just been diagnosed

    Thank you! I will continue taking amitriptyline for a while longer to see if it does help me in anyway. I’m finding it making me feel so groggy in the mornings, I do try and take it 3 hours before bed but it’s definitely not helping me sleep just having that horrible groggy feeling in the...
  6. E

    Only just been diagnosed

    Hey I’m Emma I have recently only just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia after months of back and forth appointments with the doctors and hospital. My pain started in May of this year and has progressively gotten worse and worse and it’s all over my body with the pains being in my legs, hips and...