Kudos for 10,000 steps. I managed to do 5,000 yesterday and was in agony by the evening. I’m having knee replacement in two weeks for my osteoarthritis. Has anyone here had joint replacement surgery and how did your fibromyalgia react? Hugs and prayers to everyone
Has anyone EVER, ANYWHERE actually been helped? It seems not. I felt moderately better twice which made it almost bearable, but both times it returned even worse. I’m afraid to feel even slightly better because it’s a prelude to disaster. Why is this so difficult to get a handle on? As a...
I went gluten free for 6 weeks before I noticed a difference, also had to go dairy free. Sometimes I take .25-.5 lorazepam to sleep on a need basis. After 3 or 4 days I decide that sleep is worth the meds. Good luck. Not a one size fits all.