Recent content by Badger

  1. Badger

    How are you today?

    It can help soothe some of the symptoms such as sore throat and congestion. From what I've read some believe vitamin C can help recovery. Honey is good for throat infections. Apparently broth and chicken soup can help too. Hoping so, I'm dreading the flu this year. Sorry to hear that you have...
  2. Badger

    How are you today?

    I've found in the past a hot drink of natural honey and lemon juice helps a sore throat. It also helps with coughs which can be painful for us.
  3. Badger

    Intermittent fasting - positive results??

    I've been reminding myself small changes as I go along will add up and may be easier to stick to. As you say we can get back on track, I'm glad I can usually wait until 4pm. Hunger pangs seem to also feel like nausea / IBS.
  4. Badger

    Hyku from the mind of a cabbage

    Away from the sun Shadows dance on the river Voices lost in time
  5. Badger

    Intermittent fasting - positive results??

    I do find when I can stick to a 16\8 IBS and acid reflux are not so bad. The longest I've lasted is 2 and a half days during which my stomach and bowel seemed to feel better. Probably just a case of not being aggravated as much but worth while. I would like to see what happens if I can last...
  6. Badger

    Intermittent fasting - positive results??

    We have snow in parts such as Wrexham but just wind and rain here on the coast. It's been bitterly cold here over the last few days. Fair play to you for treating yourself to a nice coffee once the eating window begins. I find that I'm okay until mid/late afternoon before the hunger pangs really...
  7. Badger

    Intermittent fasting - positive results??

    @SBee how are you getting on with your fasting? I've been hit and miss and hoping to stay the course before the end of the year
  8. Badger

    fybro and flu like symptoms

    Hopefully you will recover soon, Fibro is bad enough without getting ill, I'm dreading it this winter.