Need help
Submitted by Iron Hide on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 15:41
I am a bit lost and feel totally lazy and guilty right now. I would like some advice if possible. I am a male in my mid 30s and i have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 9 years ago, and addison disease about 7 years ago. I did well for the first 3 years with addison. I was working full time and doing a lot of activities. 4 years ago I got sick and I never really recovered. I'm in a lot of pain and fatigue most of the time. Leg pain, lower back pain, eye pain, neck pain, headache, sore throat, numbness in my hands and more. I tried different type of full time jobs to see if it would help me but every time I quit or i have been fired cause of I was taking too many sick days because of pain and fatigue. I am working part time for the last 6 months and I do a bit better like that. I have been diagnosed with cfs/fibromyalgia two years ago and my family doctor at that time. He talked to me about going on disability insurance. I didn't have an insurance at work and my spouse income and assets was too high (and still is) to get any public disability insurance. My spouse never believes in the diagnosis of cfs/fibro and pushed me to change my family doctor, which I did 6 months ago. In her mind there must be a remedy to feel good all the time and be productive again. She is now pregnant and of course she is expecting more than a part time income from me. Yesterday she totally destroyed me saying I am lazy and that I didn't want to work and that is crazy that I do not try to make more money for our family with our 1st baby coming and I wasn't pushing my career forward. I understand her frustration but what she told me Yesterday destroyed me. I didn't know what to say. I don't know what to do. With the baby coming it cuts my option. I am in a total panic today and really wondering what to do. Before cfs/fibro I always worked very hard. It is the first time ever I write a post on internet. It's hard for me to Talk about my health.
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