Fibro flare short term prednisolone use.
Submitted by GEORGIEGIRL on Fri, 08/10/2018 - 10:02
Diagnosis fibromyalgia chronic pain tiezites (feels like broken ribs. Everyday for life) disease. 2014 my physical health came to sudden crisis.
Exposure to life changing event triggered physical pain.
"The body remembers trauma"
My specialist GP prescribed a low almost non therapeutic dose of prednisolone over a week period sliding scale.
I am also hypersensitive to all medication after a"NDE"resus (CCU 10 days) anesthetic adverse reaction morphine overdose during emergency spinal surgery (surg successful)
This is the 3rd time we have used this break glass" protocol my body is in complete neuro pain. Painc sets in and it is difficult to stay centered.
I use movement mindfullness heated spa.positive home enviorment. Resigned from a 38yr career.limit coffee sugar use A2 mik fresh fruit GF diet. Breath. Delegage stressful tasks limit confrontation toxic exposure. accomplish something everyday.
X2 25mg tab 3 days
X1 25mg tab 2 days
.5 = 12.5mg pred 2 days then cease
Do not use lasix or celebrex
U must check with your medical officer. This works for me but we are all different like fine machines.
Keep positive even on the hard days u are unique and do not have to prove yourself to others.
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