From months of 10 days to 2/4 days

I feel like I might be putting the cart b4 the horse. But I know I would have given anything to be where I am today a month ago. I know FIBROMYALGA can wax and wain, and perhaps all the things I've done and added have nothing to do with going from 3 months of not a single day better then a 7, and 90% of the time being at a 10! By the time I started on this I had gone from begging God to send help, then I begged him to just come get me...then my darkest moment-I fought for my life, because if I where to quit believing in God, well suicide wouldn't be a sin and Hell wouldn't be a fear. Part of me is ashamed to admit this but I also know that when I quit, when I FINEALLY shut up, sat still and silent God did what he promised. He picked me up and carried me to safety. If you are in doubt, just go to where I was in your mind, Go to my post in moan and complain 'I used to pray God would come get me' it was written just b4 I let go and let God.
Prior to that night (all through the night) I had sat in a pile of pillows for months. When my mind and vision was clear enough I was on line researching everything from causes of Fibromyalgia to treatments. Wow, some of the JUNK people will try to sell you. Some protocols I would only do if I litterly tried everything else I could and didn't care if I died! A cold medication that would make me feel worse for months b4 I started to feel better? Worse? How I'm at the top of the chart?! Plus I can't find any logic in some of these 'protocols'! I was willing to try anything that I could afford that made sense and I wouldn't have cared if they killed me because I wished I was dead rather then living/dying like I was.

I started/did so much at once I'm not 100% sure of what did the most good. At the time I didn't care. If I could find just 10 things that gave me a .5 improvement on the pain scale that would bring me to a 5...liveable. I have eliminated several things that didn't seem to make a difference.

1) I upped my malic acid to 1200mg a day
2) I added 1200 mg of alpha lipid acid
3) one time Epsom salt bowel empty (parasites stuck?)
2) juice of 2 fresh lemons, tsp apple cider vin. In fresh WATER. A little organic maple syrup takes it from holding my nose to looking forward!
4) colladal silver (quality, and only 1 tsp) every three days. (I believe this one might not be needed now)
5) parasite check. Ummm yup.
7) gallbladder cleanse (I don't recommend with out some professional assistance from a naturopath, fibromyalgia is still not understood and a cleanse could send someone to the hospital)!
6) parasite kill (I will not share this one. I only did it for 5 days...long enough to know I've got a problem)
7) NONI. Powder, organic (I started with A mega dose the first day. Bad idea. I'll explain later in why and what) now 2 tlbs in juice. Yum
8) 2-4 tsp organic coconut oil on an empty stomach).
9) natural parasite cleanse.(high quality)
10) multi mineral with molybdenum
11) tummeric
12) milk thistle

Things I've always (years) done...quality fiber every day(I must add that I'm using a cleansing fiber...very important) Epsom salt baths. Vitamen d (2000mg) magnesium 600-800mg, zinc and yes I do ionic foot detox baths. (I will blog about them later but I did post in alternative regarding them)

I know it sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. (I.e. Noni juice and lemon juice I love!)

I will blog later as to why I've started/keep these and why I think they are helping. I just wanted to get this in while my brain was working!!!
I might be editing this later as my memory still stinks!
Update 4-22-16. Several days of rain seemed to bring on a lot of my symptoms, as its styes out overnight I'm feeling better, but I'm know very curious as to how/why that affected me soooo much. I wasn't completely deabilitated as b4, but not good by any standard. (If that's the cause I'm moving to the dessert)

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