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New member
May 21, 2014
I have had fatigue off and on for 2-3 years and I occasionally have pain in my joints and feel flu like. Lately, I feel this way more often than not. I have had my thyroid checked several times lately because I have several of the typical hypo symptoms such as constipation, weight gain, fatigue, RLS, and dry skin. My doctor says all of my lab work is normal. I have also been checked for RA and the test was negative. Recently my doctor mentioned fibro and I tried Cymbalta - that was AWFUL! I now am back on my Prozac, which I have taken for 13 years without trouble and I am taking Lyrica at night. I also am taking a multivitamin as I heard that fibro can be worsened by mineral deficiency. I exercise 3-5 times per week and I work full time but when I get home I am so worn out and hurting that all I want to do is lay down. I feel so bad for my husband because I do not want to cook, clean, or do anything fun. Help!
I'm guessing you don't really suffer from pain? If you don't... well, I doubt it's fibro, because as far as I know the fatigue alone isn't enough to diagnose this disease. I'd say CFS, but it doesn't sound like you have pain often? Have you seen a rheumatologist? Have other diseases like Lyme disease or MS been ruled out? Fatigue alone isn't a strong pointer. You should see a rheumatologist or ask your GP if he is capable to try the trigger point test on you?
is there any alternative treatment for this
I do have pain occasionally, but more often than not I feel flu like. I have not been tested for MS or Lyme. My PCP did do the trigger point test and she said it was indicative of fibro. I also have tactile allodynia frequently. I have had this for quite some time, I just did not know what it was. I thought I was just overly sensitive. My husband cannot even touch me without me wincing.
Ally, I felt your pain with the Allodynia! I have that as well, it's awful! I wouldn't wish it on anyone! I've found that lidocaine (lidoderm is the brand name) patches help a little with the Allodynia sometimes. Unfortunately they don't make a body suit of lidocaine patches so it doesn't help all over, but I can put it on my worst spots for the day and it does help a little. If you haven't tried them, ask your Dr!
Thanks, Katie. Mine is generally ALL over my body so I don't know if that would help. Hopefully the Lyrica I'm on begins to help.
Your symptoms sound VERY similar to mine. However, I do not yet know what is causing my symptoms.
I have recently had an MRI for bilateral knee pain which my PCP thought was bursitis due to strenuous exercise but turns out it was normal so now she is pretty sure I have fibro and is sending me to a rheumatologist. Hope to have a definitive answer soon.
I do have pain occasionally, but more often than not I feel flu like. I have not been tested for MS or Lyme. My PCP did do the trigger point test and she said it was indicative of fibro. I also have tactile allodynia frequently. I have had this for quite some time, I just did not know what it was. I thought I was just overly sensitive. My husband cannot even touch me without me wincing.

Uhm, if your PCP said that, then odds are it's really fibro! I'd really ask your doctor (if I were you) to rule out lupus, Lyme disease and MS! I think it's always ways to rule out those 3 diseases. That's just my personal opinion tho. You can't never be too sure! Better be safe than sorry! I doubt you have any of those, but you should really ask your doctor.

Best of luck and please keep us posted!
Thanks, Katie. Mine is generally ALL over my body so I don't know if that would help. Hopefully the Lyrica I'm on begins to help.

I have it all over my body as well, but the patches don't end to help with my worst spots, ie: if my hips or lower back are acting up badly with the Allodynia, and I have to work, I will put a patch on each hip or across my lower back where my pants rub the most when moving around and it helps numb the skin so that wearing the pants don't bother my skin as much... Or if my upper back and neck are acting up more than usual, I can put one or two patches over my collar bone and shoulder area so that it makes wearing a bra orshirt more bareable... If your dDr is willing to let you try, I'd definitely recommend it, like I said, if they made a lidocaine body suit, I'd be wearing it daily lol, but unfortunately they don't so the patches are the next best thing, they last about 12 hours and you can wear 2 or 3 at a time depending on what the Dr prescribes...
I seriously hate Allodynia, it's evil and pure torture! My ex used to get so mad and upset that a simple light touch would send painful shivers through my body, he thought it was just me being an assistant and never really understood even though I explained it many many many times.... It's cruel!
So I'm still waiting on a referral to the rheumatologist. I was told that it could take up to 2 weeks for the referral to go through and then who knows how long I will have to wait for the actual appointment... In the meantime, my PCP had put me on Lyrica but after about 3 days I felt swollen ALL over! I couldn't get my wedding rings off my finger and I was bloated and miserable. Not sure what's worse, swelling or fatigue and pain... I stopped taking it because I don't want the side effects to get worse. Also, I have another question for you guys. I exercise 3-5 days a week doing a boot camp style workout but it seems to take me longer to recover from soreness and after a workout I can hardly move. It is not the typical muscle soreness, but my joints hurt so bad that I don't want to get out of the car when I get home. I LOVE this exercise and know that it is good for me as it does seem to help my fatigue and definitely has increased my muscle mass. I just wish I didn't feel like my 97 year old grandmother. Ok, so maybe it wasn't a question but more of a vent!:-P
I understand what you mean about feeling like a much older person. I have ALWAYS felt like that, even as a teenager, but sometimes it is worse than others. :( I have NOT been working out regularly recently. In fact, the last time I worked out, I felt like I had the flu the next day. However, I do know that when I exercise regularly I DO feel better. I am still fatigued and so on, but it is not as bad when I work out regularly. I just have to get over the mental hurdles and get my butt back to the gym. So I suggest you keep going.

Your story/symptoms sound a LOT like mine, as I mentioned before. I also take prozac, and after all my bloodwork came back fine recently, the doctor's suggestion was, "We can increase your Prozac." I didn't really feel any more depressed at the time, though. So I'm still mulling over what to do next.
I have had fatigue off and on for 2-3 years and I occasionally have pain in my joints and feel flu like. Lately, I feel this way more often than not. I have had my thyroid checked several times lately because I have several of the typical hypo symptoms such as constipation, weight gain, fatigue, RLS, and dry skin. My doctor says all of my lab work is normal. I have also been checked for RA and the test was negative. Recently my doctor mentioned fibro and I tried Cymbalta - that was AWFUL! I now am back on my Prozac, which I have taken for 13 years without trouble and I am taking Lyrica at night. I also am taking a multivitamin as I heard that fibro can be worsened by mineral deficiency. I exercise 3-5 times per week and I work full time but when I get home I am so worn out and hurting that all I want to do is lay down. I feel so bad for my husband because I do not want to cook, clean, or do anything fun. Help!

I am feeling exactly the same symptoms recently but they say that I need to check because it may be similar to pregnancy symptoms. I haven't done a pregnancy test yet but most of my friends really describe the same thing when they were pregnant. I do hope it's not fibromyalgia as I know for a fact that it's a long-term condition and I wouldn't want to suffer from it knowing that there's no particular cure for it.
Not all acute pains point towards fibromyalgia. So please do not jump into conclusions before having yourself tested. Visit a doctor and let him give your diagnosis. Before that, if you read more on FBM, you will draw illusionary conclusions. This is common, and I am sure you guys won't be having the disease and it can also be something minor. I think it is a long term condition and the stages are very clear, so hurry up checking yourself up with a doctor soon.
As I stated in my first post, my PCP has tested me for multiple conditions and is leaning toward fibro. I don't want this condition any more than anyone else on this forum. I will be seeing a rheumatologist next Wednesday and I hope to have some answers then. In the meantime, I have been under increased stress related to an ill parent and my symptoms are 10 times worse! I can hardly function. Swollen hands, stiff joints, flu-like achiness, extreme fatigue, headaches.... Same old story....:-(
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