Tietze Syndrome

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Active member
Sep 12, 2013
Has anyone else been diagnosed with this?

I was this morning and am wondering if it really takes 12 weeks to clear? Maybe the 12 weeks would be a blessing as was also told it can become chronic. Wouldn't that be fun on top of the FMS. I can't take pain meds of any kind without severe nausea and vomiting and this pain is putting me over the edge.

We switched up my FMS "cocktail" and then added Medrol for the new issue. I'm using the remainder of my quickly dissipating hope for a smidgen of relief.

I always want to apologize for being so frustrated and negative but it is what I am right now. I joined this group to have a place where I don't have to apologize and still I feel the need. Uggg, this is sooooo hard.

Any hope, or dose of reality, would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Be well!
I haven't been diagnosed with this personally, but I know someone who has. This is a really rare disease, and for what I have seen... a really frustrating one. I do really hope yours clears soon! Dealing with chronic pain really sucks! Don't worry about sounding negative, in fact I didn't think your post sounded too negative, but even if it did... that's what we're here for :)
I was diagnosed with Costocondritits which is very similar to what you have. From what I have read on both conditions Teitz Syndrom is localized to one area whereas Costo affects the entire rib cage. And let me tell you it does. When I first contracted Costo I actually felt like I was having a heart attack because the pain and tightenting on my ribs was affecting my ability to breath. I had severe pain down my left arm from my shoulder to my fingers. Of course my first thought is heart attack. So I took 4 children's asprins and calleed my husband to take me to the doctors. When I got there they did and EKG which showed negative sings for a heart attack. The doctor said it was probably neuromuscular problems and to go to the er to have it checked out. Didn't follow up at the er and two weeks later ended up being rushed by ambulance to the er to find out I had been wlaking around with pneumonia for 2 moths and didn't know it. Then in July I had to be rushed again by ambulance to the er with the exact same pain I had the first time. This is when I had Fibro and Costo. I felt like I had been put througn a meat grinder wih both.
I have had both for 6 months now. The pain with the Costo is almost gone. Thankfully. From my research it says it ould be 6 months to a year to go away. Mine seems to bemgoing away. Now I'm just have tp deal with the Fibro.
No need to apologize to any of us! We are here for a shoulder to cry on. Like the song says "lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend......for it won't be long that I'm gonna need somebody to lean on."

I have to admit, I have never heard of Tietze Syndrome. I did google it and read up on it. Sorry to hear it is causing additional trouble on top of Fibro! Sounds like the dr is right on tract with his treatment regimen according to what I read.
Get well soon!
Oh wow, something new to add to the list. I tend to have heard all the similar syndromes compared to fibromyalgia. I'm adding this one to the list of things to look into. I hope that having the diagnosis helps you to figure out realistic solutions for yourself. :)
I have been diagnosed with Tietze syndrome and unfortunately I have had it for 2 years now. Sometime I barely notice the pain, but even the slightest pressure on my sternum (especially on the lump) or pressure on my ribs can trigger an 'attack' from the pain.

I have learnt to live with the pain on top of everything else, but the pain can get scary. I tend to avoid wearing bras when I can especially when the pain is really bad.

From what I have been told, the length of time it lasts and the severeity of the pain can vary from person to person, and well I'm just unlucky. I haven't found any meds that I can take on a regular basis to keep the pain minimal, but again that will vary from person to person. Anti-flammatories are supposed to help, but I can't take them.

I find it very frustrating, when my chest gets real bad it triggers my fibro. When my fibro gets back it triggers my tietze.

I take it day by day, and when It's bad I just remember I do get some relief from it at times. With positivity and support you can get through it, and you will realise just how strong your are.

(sorry if this seems to be quite a negative post, it's not all bad honest :razz:)

Oh and forgot to add, sometimes a corticosteroid injection can be used to try and treat it in severe cases. Though the injection can cause damage so they won't allow me to have it because 'i'm too young to take the risk'
I have been diagnosed with Tietze syndrome, apparently it is quite usual for people with fibromyalgia to get it. It effects the ribs just under by underwire bra so I have to wear a non wire bra when I am having an attack. I have just had a second episode a the pain is unbelievable even zomorph which is morphine based does not touch it. My specialist gave me a depo met steriod injection and it settled down within the week.
Have you tried one of those Genie or Aha Bras? They have no underwire in them and are quite comfortable. I bought an Aha bra from Walmart because of my costochondritis. Let me tell you when I have a flare-up with the condritis that bra is a life saver. It is flexible enough that I can expand my ribs during a flare up and not feel like I am being suffocated by a boa constrictor.
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