Like mother, like daughter

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New member
Oct 1, 2013
I was quite surprised when my new rheumatologist said I had fibro two weeks ago. I knew I had rheumatoid arthritis, but I always figured the other aches and pains, the relentless exhaustion and so forth, were just an extension of that.

Naturally, I rang my mum and told her.

"Oh," she said, "I have that too! I was diagnosed when I was about your age! I completely forgot!"

My mother, ladies and gentlemen! She has chronic illnesses to spare.

Anyway, my doctor has me on an excellent regime that involves daily visits to my local pool to use the spa and sauna, and then walking slowly up and down the heated pool. Apparently I've been exercising too much, which is the funniest thing any doctor has ever said to me -- I'm a bit overweight, and my only exercise was cycling to work a couple of times a week. But I see what he means -- last week I tried to vary my routine by using handheld floatation devices, and my hands were wretched the next day.

But I'm quite new to this fibro business, and Mum doesn't know much about it -- her arthritis has always been a bigger issue, plus she was diagnosed way back when fibro was a very new idea. So I'm very glad to find these forums.
Welcome to the forum. You made me smile in remembering what you said about your mom, my mom has everything or knows about everything, before I do. lol Anyways maybe you will find some useful tips here to help you and your mom, deal with all your symptoms. Coping skills are the most important part of any illness. Okay you got it, now we begin the process of learning to live with it, and not letting it control our life completely. Sure you can not do things the way we always have, but we can learn new ways of doing things that don't hurt our life, but improve it.

So off you go around the forum, joining in with questions and answers. Greet new people and make new friends, and post in any topic area you choose too. See you around the forum. :)
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