Hello, hello!

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New member
Feb 22, 2014
Brand new to the forum. Yes, I too have a fibro diagnosed, as well as mixed connective tissue disease, sleep apnea w/central hypoventilation syndrome, Raynaud's, small airways disease, hypoxemia, and a few others. I've never had so much fun ... not. I have great doctors in NYC but the cold, damp weather of the northeast makes everything worse. I plan to move shortly to the LV area with the hope of getting better. Some of my /our issues are chronic but anything that helps to ease the pain and fatigue is worth pursuing. I feel like I am existing, three years now, and its time to get my life back, and live while I'm alive! I'm putting a lot of stock in making a life-changing move, but feel very strongly that the effort will "pay dirt" :razz:

Wishing all here good health or better health. I appreciate the opportunity to engage in this forum. Thank you!
Welcome! Have you had experiences with the hot LV weather, and, if so, do you think that it lessened your FM symptoms? I'm curious about how people feel, living in heat or moist-heat areas.
Welcome to the forum. I actually made a life changing move from Florida with it's stickly hot humid weather that made me feel tired all the time, to northern Pennsylvania, where the air is cooler and I can really enjoy all the seasons without being totally fatigued all the time or locked in air-conditioning every day. I too have lung problems and have found this Pa weather and air to be cleaner and easier on my breathing then the weather of the south.

I hope if you move it will be the chance you want. Have you considered taking the train out and seeing if the weather LV is what you really want before moving lock-stock-and barrel to a different part of the country?

Regardless I am glad your on the forum and I hope that you gain some knowledge and coping skills as you read and answer posts on the forum. :)

I've lived all over and the worst was where I was born, Wisconsin. WAY too cold. I also have cold urticaria (allergy to cold), so I couldn't stand the non stop harsh winters there. The second worst, Florida. The humidity and constant heat were dreadful. Colorado is by far the best weather for me so far.

Good luck with the move!
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